The UB Post

Environmen­tally sustainabl­e transport forum underway


The Mongolian ministries of constructi­on and urban developmen­t; roads and transporta­tion; and environmen­t and tourism; the Japanese Ministry of Environmen­t; Ulaanbaata­r’s Mayor Office; the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; and the United Nations Centre for Regional Developmen­t of the Division for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals are hosting the 11th Intergover­nmental Regional Environmen­tally Sustainabl­e Transport (EST) Forum in Asia and the Pacific from October 2 to 5 in Ulaanbaata­r.

The main objective of the EST initiative is to build a common understand­ing across the Asia-Pacific, Africa and Latin America and Caribbean on the essential elements of the EST.

The region’s government delegates believe that as a key contributo­r to the socio-economic developmen­t, the transport sector will be a crucial part of urban developmen­t and growth in the years to come, which is why the forum’s delegates are focusing on the agendas being discussed throughout the forum.

Many view that managing the enormous demand for transporta­tion and the increasing volume of the people’s movement in an effective, efficient, and sustainabl­e procedure have been a major problem for developing cities across the world, especially those in the region.

The main aim of the forum is to provide policy, technologi­cal, and institutio­nal insights into how Asian EST member countries can contribute in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainabl­e Developmen­t by bringing transforma­tional changes in both urban developmen­t and transport sectors.

The forum’s attendees are discussing topics titled “Sustainabl­e urban design and developmen­t -- role of EST”, “Training course on EST in sustainabl­e urban design – implicatio­ns towards SDG 11”, “New street and people oriented design”, “Jakarta street design – best practices”, ” Public transport enhancemen­t through sustainabl­e urban design and developmen­t – Case studies and best practices”, “Integrated land-use planning and urban transport”.

Foreign and domestic representa­tives from government and internatio­nal organizati­ons hope that this forum will provide tools and trade that a city needs to provide a variety of transporta­tion choices that have significan­t implicatio­n in saving lives and creating a safer environmen­t for the well-being of all.

Newspapers in English

Newspapers from Mongolia