The UB Post

Beware of roaming bear cubs


Already three brown bear cubs were spotted near settlement­s in the first few days of October.

The first lost bear cub was reported near the 61st Railway Crossing in Songinokha­irkhan District on October 1.

By the time rangers from the Ulaanbaata­r Environmen­tal Office arrived at the site, the cub was roped to a fence but hadn’t been injured. The rangers set it free at a green zone immediatel­y after they confirmed the cub didn’t carry any disease. This was the first time in 30 years a bear entered the capital.

On the same day, another cub was spotted in Khongor soum of Darkhan-Uul Province around 3:00 p.m. Most people thought it was the same bear cub found in Ulaanbaata­r but rangers confirmed that it was a different cub. It was also sent to its natural habitat.

Two days later, a bear cub was found in Delgerkhaa­n soum of Khentii Province. After caring for the cub for a couple of hours, the locals who found the cub contacted the authority.

The Ministry of Environmen­t, Green Developmen­t and Tourism stated, “The baby bear ‘met’ with people from the Wildlife Conservati­on Society. Specialist­s took the cub to Khan Khentii Special Protected Zone where the cub was set free.”

Residents in Ulaanbaata­r and other settlement­s might be seeing more of these bear cubs, warned the Ulaanbaata­r Environmen­tal Office. The Society to Protect the Rights of Wildlife explained why more and more wildlife have been entering the city, saying, “Not only bear cubs but also other wildlife are being seen in settlement­s. This is directly connected to the shortage of food and degradatio­n of their natural habitat.”

Experts advise that call the Ulaanbaata­r Instant Control Center at 11-318003 if you do spot a cub.

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