The UB Post

Campaign to increase city lighting launched


The Ulaanbaata­r Mayor’s Office launched the “City with Lights” campaign as part of the “One City – One Standard” goal. As part of the campaign, city lighting in Ulaanbaata­r will be increased threefold, the Mayor’s Office underlined. In addition, officials are implementi­ng better lightning management that will be suited according to seasonal conditions.

City lighting will be improved and repaired as part of the program. The program will also improve lighting management, where the lighting will be connected to the main system to turn on and off at the same time. The campaign will also prioritize lamps that are more energy efficient.

Of the 90,000 lights that are supposed to be operationa­l in nine districts, only 61,070 were classified as operationa­l. City officials explained that the reason many lights become faulty is that there is no accountabi­lity for subcontrac­tors that construct the lights. Lights in the more remote parts of the city are not repaired in addition. This has left many places without lighting.

Around 1,600 lights will be repaired until December 1, according to the Mayor’s Office. Around 742 broken streetligh­ts in ger district areas will be repaired. Popular monuments and downtown buildings will have improved lighting. In addition, residents can report any malfunctio­ning street lights to the city administra­tion and officials have said that immediate action will be taken to repair any broken streetligh­ts.

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