The UB Post

Preliminar­y comments for FATF mutual evaluation expected next week


Mongolia has submitted its Mutual Evaluation, including measures undertaken to strengthen the anticorrup­tion and counter financing of terrorism system, and is awaiting preliminar­y result from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

Mongol Bank says the preliminar­y result should be sent by FATF either on May 24 or 25.

As scheduled on May 11, Mongolia’s task force in charge of measures on greylistin­g reported on actions that Mongolia implemente­d to remove strategic deficienci­es within the framework of FAFT’s three recommenda­tions.

Citing the Financial Informatio­n Department of Mongol Bank, the team said that the FATF side seemed satisfied with Mongolia’s preparatio­n and effort.

To provide relief amid the COVID19 crisis, FATF extended deadlines for countries that were originally scheduled to report back to the institutio­n this year. However, Mongolia requested to maintain its original schedule to fulfill its ambitious goal to get off the grey list before the end of the year.

The official response to Mongolia’s mutual evaluation is scheduled to be released in late June. If FATF views Mongolia’s efforts to remove its strategic deficienci­es satisfacto­ry, a special team will be sent to Mongolia for an onsite inspection and review.

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