The UB Post

7 new cases confirmed, bringing total to 819


According to the Health Ministry on December 3, Head of Surveillan­ce and Research Department of the Health Ministry A. Ambaselmaa reported that seven new cases of COVID-19 was confirmed in Mongolia...

According to the Health Ministry on December 3, Head of Surveillan­ce and Research Department of the Health Ministry A.Ambaselmaa reported that seven new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Mongolia.

“On December 2, a total of 16,599 people nationwide underwent PCR testing. More than 500 of them were contact tests, and the coronaviru­s was detected in seven samples. Of the 16,000 people tested for travel to provinces, no infections were detected.”

A new case was reported in Ulaanbaata­r as a man who was isolated due to contact with the infected tested positive in his third test.

Six new cases were registered in Selenge Province. Five of them were members of the same family who were in quarantine­d.

No new cases have been reported in Orkhon, Govisumber, Darkhan-Uul, Arkhangai and Dornogovi provinces in the last 24 hours.

Between December 2 and 3, seven people have recovered and left the National Center for Communicab­le Disease (NCCD). They were moved on to the next stage of observatio­n. As of December 3, 365 out of 819 cases confirmed in Mongolia have been cured. Of the cured, 42 were in quarantine and one in home isolation, while 322 have completed their observatio­n period.

The NCCD and Central Military Hospital are treating 445 COVID-19 patients, 245 at the NCCD and 200 at the Military Central Hospital.

In proven cases, dry cough, fever, and headache occur in 12 to 19 percent of cases, while nausea, loss of smell and muscle aches occur in 4 to 10 percent of cases, according to the Health Ministry.

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 ?? Photo by E.KHARTSAGA ??

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