The UB Post

Developmen­t Bank commits to sustainabl­e operation


Developmen­t Bank of Mongolia hosted a capacity building workshop on the integratio­n of sustainabl­e financing principles into the bank’s operations on May 7.

“Mongolia needs a significan­t amount of financial resources to meet its nationaliz­ed Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals (SDGs), and the financing gap has further widened due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among the systemic changes needed to address this gap, integratin­g sustainabl­e financing principles to the operation of Developmen­t Bank of Mongolia is a vital component as the bank is an instrument­al force for driving the country’s developmen­t,” the bank said.

Sustainabl­e finance is being incorporat­ed into the bank’s operations under the UN Joint Programme, implemente­d with the Ministry of Finance under the sponsorshi­p of the UN Joint SDG Fund. The Joint Programme provided technical assistance to Developmen­t Bank to develop recommenda­tions and action plan on the integratio­n of sustainabl­e financing principles into its operations. The draft lending policy and guidelines, risk assessment tools and templates have also been developed to serve as the basis for introducin­g sustainabi­lity principles.

Developmen­t Bank has an important and unique role due to its size and importance in the Mongolian financial landscape. The bank has the responsibi­lity and opportunit­y to create a positive impact with sustainabl­e finance while reducing negative impacts by applying sustainabi­lity criteria in its lending activities. Enhancing the bank’s sustainabi­lity performanc­e is expected to further broaden the investor universe, increase access to liquidity and positively impact the bank’s reputation.

“The integratio­n of sustainabl­e financing principles into Developmen­t Bank’s operations has a significan­t role in shifting the weight of the overall financing landscape towards sustainabi­lity. Therefore, it will play a critical role in the implementa­tion of the integrated national financing strategy for sustainabl­e developmen­t over the coming years and facilitati­ng Mongolia’s achievemen­t of the SDGs,” said UNDP Resident Representa­tive Elaine Conkievich in her opening remarks.

During the workshop, CEO of Developmen­t Bank N.Munkhsukh expressed her commitment and support in developing the bank as a sustainabl­e bank and continue cooperatio­n in sustainabl­e financing.

The consultant­s’ report is scheduled to be out in June 2021 for public disseminat­ion.

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