The UB Post

Rio Tinto Group paid 544 million USD in taxes in 2021


Rio Tinto’s Director of External Relations and Cooperatio­n B.Davaasuren clarified how much the company has paid in taxes to Mongolia.

“Rio Tinto considers transparen­cy to be a core value of business ethics. Any misunderst­andings and uncertaint­ies stem from a lack of informatio­n transparen­cy. Therefore, the taxes paid to the countries in which the company operates are revealed annually,” he shared.

In 2021, the Anglo-Australian company paid 544 million USD in taxes and royalties to Mongolia as part of its Oyu Tolgoi Project. This is equivalent to the annual budget of the labor and social security sector, B.Davaasuren stressed.

The company, which operates in 35 countries, paid a total of 3.3 billion USD in taxes, fees, and charges to Mongolia between 2010 and 2021, according to its report.

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