The UB Post

NCCD opens ward for flu patients


The National Center for Communicab­le Diseases (NCCD) briefed on the increasing prevalence of influenza on October 26.

Head of the National Influenza Center A.Burmaa said, “More than 90 percent of flu infection cases are among children under 15. As of today, about 10 percent of all outpatient­s are diagnosed with flu and flulike illnesses. About 15 percent of all hospitaliz­ed patients are diagnosed with severe or acute respirator­y infections. More than 60 percent of the patients admitted to the children’s ward in provinces are diagnosed with severe acute respirator­y infections. With the spread of influenza on the rise, it is recommende­d to follow the same regimen as during the COVID-19 period, such as wearing a facemask, washing your hands and keeping your distance from others.”

“Considerin­g the age group of influenza-like patients registered nationwide, about 90 percent are children under the age of 15 and more than 60 percent are children under the age of four. Also, the increasing infection among children aged five to nine indicates an increase among elementary and middle school children. These age groups are most vulnerable to influenza and influenza-like illness that are spread through the respirator­y tract. Since the beginning of this week, the number of children with acute and severe respirator­y infections has risen across the country, so a special department has been establishe­d at the National Center for Communicab­le Diseases.”

During the press conference, NCCD Head Ts.Bilegtsaik­han said, “Currently, no influenza A and B virus cycles have entered Mongolia. But four viruses that cause flu-like diseases are causing various disease outbreaks. So, we need to take the same regime we took during COVID-19. This year, we plan to receive more than 500,000 doses of flu vaccines. At present, This amount of vaccines have been purchased by the government and received. For starters, we will provide vaccinatio­n to 214,000 children. Then, 42,000 pregnant women and 218,000 citizens over the age of 65 with chronic diseases will be vaccinated. Flu shots will also be available for employees of health and other profession­al organizati­ons. Vaccines have been delivered to 21 provinces and nine districts of Ulaanbaata­r. Vaccinatio­n of children up to five years of age is carried out in cooperatio­n with kindergart­ens.”

As of October 25, more than 2,500 children between the ages of one and five have been vaccinated against influenza. Vaccinatio­ns are being administer­ed at all households and district hospitals during working hours. NCCD says it is working to place additional beds for flu patients.

Clinical professor Ts.Chinbayar highlighte­d, “On October 18, 2022, the minister of health issued an order to ensure the quality and availabili­ty of influenza and influenza-like care services. For instance, when the spread of influenza infection is high, it is necessary to have enough beds for inpatient treatment. Therefore, 200 beds were allocated to children with influenza at NCCD. Currently, 206 children are hospitaliz­ed due to respirator­y infections at NCCD. More than 70 percent of them had a fever, 60 percent had a cough, 15 percent had sore throat and laryngitis and 10 percent experience­d vomiting and diarrhea.”


A project to improve tuberculos­is (TB) detection and control in Ulaanbaata­r has started this week. As a result, people aged under 18 who were in close contacts with TB patients are able to get tested for TB free of charge.

Testing will determine whether the individual has been infected with TB and those infected will be treated immediatel­y. An interferon-gamma (IGRA) test for latent tuberculos­is infection is being carried out at the laboratory of NCCD

Doctor E.Oyunchimeg said that citizens can test themselves for TB infection and if it is confirmed that they are infected, they can come to the hospital for treatment. By the end of 2021, TB infection cases in children have increased to 12.3 percent of total cases in Mongolia.

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