New Era

//Kharas schools safely reopen

- ■ Steven Klukowski New Era –

IN light of a government directive allowing learners from preprimary to grade 3 to resume classes yesterday, visited some schools in Keetmansho­op to establish their preparedne­ss for the face-to-face learning amid the seismic pandemic.

Under phase 2 of the education ministry reopening plan, only preprimary and lower primary learners were scheduled to start face-to-face classes yesterday, while grade 7 and 9 pupils will resume on 20 July.

The final group, which is made up of grade 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 will resume contact classes on 3 August.

Perpetua Hinda, the acting principal of Krönlein Primary School, said 191 out of 700 learners reported for classes yesterday.

The teacher also said the low turn-up on the first day could be that jittery parents want to ascertain how well schools are handling the virus situation, before sending their children to school.

In terms of preparedne­ss, Hinda said teachers and learners are being screened for high body temperatur­es at entry points at the school whilst the wearing of face masks is mandatory and that the school provide masks to learners who turn up without wearing one. “We furthermor­e put in place hand sanitisers and tippytaps at strategic points as prescribed measures to curb further spread of the coronaviru­s,” she emphasised.

The principal furthermor­e explained that learners are having meals in classrooms during break time under teacher supervisio­n and that they are also allowed to go out for physical exercises or relaxation but within prescribed social distance regulation­s.

“Those parents who preferred to keep their children at home, for now, will be provided with study materials as well as homework/assignment­s until such time they decide to allow the learners to return to school,” Hinda explained.

She, however, suggested parents should bring their kids in once a week for purposes of evaluating their ongoing performanc­e at home.

Addressing the psychologi­cal consequenc­es Covid-19 might bring about, she said teachers were having sessions with a social worker yesterday to help them cope with the pandemic and also to counsel learners in cases of panic.

Hinda also expressed hope that the situation would return to normal in the long run, enabling the unhindered provision of education to learners.

Meanwhile, at Fairyland Day Care Centre, which caters for pre-primary learners, it was commendabl­e to find thermo guns, sign-in registers and hand sanitisers at the entrance of the facility.

“As per our plan, the first group of kids were supposed to come in on Monday, but with the national directive that we could only open yesterday some parents might be left in the dark, hence the low turn-up on the first day,” explained Sister Imelda Kooper, the principal of the centre.

She added a total of 91 learners have been divided into two groups receiving face-to-face learning every second consecutiv­e day as a means to maintain social distance in the classroom situation.

She said parents and teachers are screened daily before entering the premises and that learners are making use of hand sanitisers and tippy-taps for purposes of hygiene under teacher supervisio­n.

“These youngsters are having break times in class and are only allowed outside on school grounds if under supervisio­n in order to ensure social distancing,” Kooper said.

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