New Era

Namibians urged to embrace vaccine


Public health specialist for immunisati­on at the World Health Organisati­on, Roselina de Wee, has encouraged Namibians to take the Covid-19 vaccine once it becomes available in the country.

De Wee, while speaking at the Covid-19 Communicat­ion Centre in Windhoek, said the vaccine went through the same safety testing procedures as other vaccines and medicines.

“I can assure you, the Covid-19 vaccines that are currently being administer­ed are safe, there were no shortcuts taken with this vaccine,” she said.

De Wee stated that the vaccine, which is expected to arrive in the country by early February 2021, went through all the approval process before it was distribute­d to the various countries.

Commenting on Namibia’s readiness for the arrival of the vaccine, De Wee said the Ministry of Health and Social Services has a team that is assisted by partners and other line ministries to look into logistical requiremen­ts of importing the Covid-19 vaccine and ensure that the country is ready for its arrival.

“The ministry’s team, assisted by partners and other ministries, worked around the clock this weekend under the leadership of the deputy executive director in the ministry of health to make sure that our plan is finalised within the next four to three days so that we are ready for the arrival of the vaccine,” said De Wee.

According to De Wee, no pre-testing will be done. She also said once the vaccine arrives in the country, the ministry will commence with the vaccinatio­ns.

“We have very well developed target groups that we came up with based on criteria like people who are more at risk of infection,” she added.

Speaking at the same occasion, speciality physician in the health ministry, Dr Ismael Katjitae, said the Namibian nation needs to pull together in order to stop the coronaviru­s and protect their loved ones.

Namibia is targeting the vaccinatio­n of 20% of the population.

Frontline health workers and people of advanced age will be the first recipients of the injections, Katjitae said.

 ?? Photo: Nampa/AFP ?? Go for it… In this file photo RN Valerie Massaro administer­s the second dose of the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine to healthcare workers.
Photo: Nampa/AFP Go for it… In this file photo RN Valerie Massaro administer­s the second dose of the Pfizer/ BioNTech vaccine to healthcare workers.

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