New Era

Student appeals for public help to settle tuition

- ■ Aletta Shikololo -

Evelina Ekanga, a student of the Welwitschi­a Health Training centre in Windhoek, is appealing to good Samaritans to help pay off her study debt, amounting to N$27 000.

The third-year student, pursuing her studies in Nursing Science, said she could not write her final examinatio­n in March because of the outstandin­g amount she owes the institutio­n.

“I am currently sitting at home since March – not going to school because I missed the exam. My mom, who has been paying for my school, is unable to pay anymore because her finances have been affected by the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic,” she said.

Ekanga scored 26 points in six subjects but could not get funding from the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF), because the institutio­n funds students with 25 points in five subjects.

“I have also been trying, by all means possible, to raise funds for my studies. However, the amount is too much; therefore, I am humbly asking for financial assistance so that I go back to school and write the exam that is coming up at the beginning of August 2021.”

The 25-year-old student said she depends only on her mother, as her other relatives cannot provide much support.

Speaking to Youth Corner, Ekanga’s mother, Elizabeth Reinhold, described her daughter as a “hardworkin­g child”.

“She has been performing well in school since the first year, and I am sure she will put the funds to good use. I used to fund her studies with the little income I get. However, since the beginning of the pandemic, I was unable to afford it,” she said.

Ekanga aspires to be a nurse and make a difference in people’s lives daily.

 ?? Photo: Contribute­d ?? Help needed... Evelina Ekanga is in need of financial assistance to be able to write exams in August.
Photo: Contribute­d Help needed... Evelina Ekanga is in need of financial assistance to be able to write exams in August.

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