New Era

German academic charged with spying for China


BERLIN - A German political scientist has been charged with spying for China by exploiting high-level official contacts made via his position as the head of a think tank, federal prosecutor­s said yesterday.

The accused, identified only as Klaus L, is suspected of “regularly passing on informatio­n to Chinese intelligen­ce ahead of or after state visits or multinatio­nal conference­s” between 2010 and 2019.

Klaus L had been running a political think tank since 2001, gaining internatio­nal importance due to his scientific reputation and networks he had built up over many years, the prosecutor­s said. Members of a Chinese intelligen­ce service approached him during a lecture tour to Shanghai in June 2010, they said.

The suspect obtained informatio­n primarily from his numerous high-ranking political contacts gained through his work, the prosecutor­s said.

He was paid for his work and the Chinese intelligen­ce service also arranged for him to travel to the meetings with its officers, including as part of a social programme.

According to a report by German public broadcaste­r ARD, Klaus L led a double life and had also been working as a spy for the German intelligen­ce services (BND).

The broadcaste­r named the think tank as the Hanns Seidel Foundation, which is close to the CSU, the smaller Bavarian sister party of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU.

The suspect was due to appear before a judge later on yesterday.

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