New Era

A letter to the youth


Dear fellow youth, you are never too young to change the world. I am so proud and encouraged by some youth who are doing bussiness for a living even though there are those stranded and left confused by the Covid-19 pandemic that we are in now.

The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow.

There are those who graduated but they have no jobs; those who did not make it to higher institutio­ns and those who did not get a chance to go to schools for certain reasons in life. Life may be difficult to handle to some of you but do not let any of the situation derail you from doing what is good or from chasing your dream. Most future leaders are depressed, confused and stuck only on

one thing, which is education. The fact remains that if school did not work for you, do not stop there; try any next good step in your life because not all people are meant to do the same thing in life.

Nowadays, we have people who are practising different bussiness activities for a living: those who order and sell goods, bakers, photograph­ers, hair dressers, fashion designers, models, artists, sketchers and many more. Let us imply critical positive thoughts within us because no one will do that on our behalf. Let us stop waiting to be employed while we can employ ourselves. Some are afraid to start bussiness due to the competion in the market – and yeah, business is all about competing but it needs effort and positive thoughts.

What you do now matters in future; always do the best to harvest better later. I like the quote from John Kehoe that, “First work for money, then money works for you”. All the best to the youth.

 ??  ?? Diinineni S Kandjibi
Diinineni S Kandjibi

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