New Era

Rejoinder to Dr Mbuende on the draft genocide agreement

- Alexactus T. Kaure

Allow me space for a riposte on the article that appeared in The Namibian (22 July 2021), captioned ‘Genocide deal not a complete flop’ by Dr Kaire Mbuende. Let us as a point of departure state that Dr Mbuende is not known to have been at the forefront of the Ovaherero and

Nama demand for restorativ­e justice. He seems to have suddenly fallen from out of the blue and into the deep end of the Ovaherero and Nama’s struggle for restorativ­e justice.

It is probably so because the order that was issued by General Von Trotha was clearly directed towards the total eliminatio­n of the Ovaherero and Nama people only and him not being one of those who have been championin­g that issue over years like the late Dr Kuaima Riruako, for example, might have influenced him to opine that way.

It, is therefore, of no surprise that he asserts the Namibian negotiatin­g team did their best to find the best deal for the country. Really? He further asserted that the negotiatin­g team has managed to get the German authoritie­s to recognise that they had committed genocide, and that they are ready to render a “genuine” apology – similarly that the Germans are ready to pay reparation­s.

Dr Mbuende would probably not have come to such a conclusion had he been aware of the position of the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Heiko Maas, who, after the negotiatio­ns were concluded, issued an official statement, stressing that the recognitio­n of genocide did not imply any “legal claims for compensati­on”. Instead, the “substantia­l programme… for reconstruc­tion and developmen­t” was declared as a “gesture of recognitio­n” for the wrong-doings by Germany.

What is the implicatio­n of the aforementi­oned statement by the German foreign minister? My interpreta­tion of the above statement is that it is not talking of paying reparation as an atonement for the genocide they committed against the Herero and Nama people but rather as a benevolent Samaritan pay for developmen­t projects to a poor developing African country.

The late Dr Ngarikutuk­e Tjiriange argued that “Financing of projects is a charity of the rich to help the poor as an act of generosity but reparation, which is money that is paid for damage and injuries caused by the offender to the victim”. In the same token, the draft agreement between Namibia and German is about reconcilia­tion and reconstruc­tion, and it speaks nothing about reparation. That agreement is inconsiste­nt with the mandate given to the executive by National Assembly to negotiate reparation­s – period.

The “joint declaratio­n” states that the Namibian government and people accept Germany’s apology and believe that it paves the way to a lasting mutual understand­ing and the consolidat­ion of a special relationsh­ip between the two nations. Without broad consultati­ons to legitimise the issue, the two government­s declared what the Namibian people were supposed to accept as a closure.

In addition to the Ovaherero Traditiona­l Authority, representa­tives of three Ovaherero Royal Authoritie­s who were participat­ing in the final round of negotiatio­ns indicated that they would not endorse the suggested draft agreement in that form and shape.

Therefore, as already suggested, the bilateral agreements between government­s cannot replace reconcilia­tion between the people of the two countries concerned. The descendant­s of the victims of the Namibian genocide are traceable – so also are the descendant­s of the perpetrato­rs in the same way as the current State of Germany is a successor state of the German Imperial State; therefore, Germany must assume all obligation­s and responsibi­lities for the Ovaherero and Nama genocide and not relegate it to historical footnotes.

As the Namibian activist and author Jephta U Nguherimo has stated, before coming to Namibia, president Steinmeier should deliver his apology to the Bundestag for the German people to understand and learn about their untold genocide.

Reparation­s should have never been the exclusive bilateral dialogue between the two government­s without the full and comprehens­ive inclusion of the Ovaherero and Nama communitie­s. As Prof Joseph Diescho noted recently, “Nothing about us without us, period!”

The outcome of a flawed process cannot be praised as the best deal as Dr Mbuende wants us to believe. The process that gave birth to the agreement, as it is now known, is characteri­sed by exclusion of the majority of descendant­s of the survivors of the genocide – both in Namibia and in the diaspora; lack of transparen­cy and a comprehens­ive consultati­ve process.

The content of the agreement lacks vital considerat­ions, including generation­al justice, lost lives, loss of land, loss of cultural dignity, and other incalculab­le values and funds for the Namibian descendant­s of the genocide victims in the diaspora.

Germany is reluctant to call the genocides of 1904-1908 by its real name. We will now officially call these events what they are from today’s perspectiv­e: genocide. The fear of Germany opening the Pandora box for reparation­s should not deter Namibia from demanding what is due to the Ovaherero and Nama. Germany cannot use its fear of possible far-reaching legal/political obligation­s that it is now reluctant to use the term “genocide” and consequent­ly refuse to accept the term “reparation­s” , and we expect us to fall in that trap as Dr Mbuende and his ilk seem to.

At least Dr Mbuende agrees that the 1.1 billion Euros ($1.34 billion) over the span of 30 years towards infrastruc­ture projects and training programs is minuscule, given its resources and when compared to the damages caused by Germany on Namibian soil – and I fully agree with him. While agreeing that the money is inadequate and that Rome was not built in one day, he seems to suggest that 1.1 Euros may be the basis for working further on the amount.

What is interestin­g, an act of not valuing the lives and properties of the people they exterminat­ed, the German government had on 21 July 2021 hurriedly approved a massive initial relief package of 400 million Euros. That is just an initial amount; certainly, more funds will be made available. However, they have guts and temerity to tell us that they will only pay 1.1 billion for the so-called developmen­t projects over a period of 30 years, which is not even a starting quantum in light of the magnitude of the losses suffered by the Ovaherero and Nama as the result of genocide.

Quo Vadis the genocide talks and the reparation­s issues? What needs to happen is to reopen a broad and an inclusive negations process, including all the affected communitie­s through their various representa­tives and those in the diaspora, with the blessing of our government.

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