New Era

Are our prisons playing the correction­al role?


Are our prisons serving their purpose of being rehabilita­tions and correction­al facilities, or do they produce even more hard core criminals? Are our prisoners exposed to councillor­s and psychologi­sts who can help offenders change their mindsets and be reintegrat­ed into society successful­ly? Quite often than not, most prisoners leave correction­al facilities to continue the cycle of violence and other criminal activities. We need programs that can help integrate prisoners into the mainstream society and curtail situations where ex prisoners repeat the same violent crimes and return to correction­al facilities.

Rehabilita­tion and correction of human behaviour can only take place in a suitable environmen­t. Some crimes are committed out of anger, some out of psychologi­cal distress, some out of greed and some out of mere bad choices. Whatever the reason behind any crime, regardless of how heinous it might be, all perpetrato­rs need proper rehabilita­tion to correct their misdemeano­ur. Such a fit, however, cannot be achieved unless the environmen­t in which we put our prisoners is conducive. We need to understand a prisoner’s thinking and emotional state to successful­ly rehabilita­te their behaviour and turn them into useful members of society again.

Prisoners go through five stages of incarcerat­ion: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. These stages are derived from the traditiona­l stages of grief. The denial stage begins from the moment one is imprisoned, and it lasts about three years. Prisoners vacillate from emotions of rebellion to withdrawal and find it hard to believe they are in prison. They find it hard to comprehend the seriousnes­s of the situation and sometimes blame it on others.

The anger stage occurs when reality strikes and they stop being in denial. At this stage, the prisoner may turn to bullying weaker prisoners. Bargaining transpires when the prisoner starts saying, ‘if only’. At this stage, guilt kicks in – and the prisoner is filled with frustratio­n and shame. The depression stage is characteri­sed by a feeling of hopelessne­ss and sadness.

The last stage is acceptance: this is when prisoners begin to take the situation in and realise they are in it for the long term. It is, thus, important to understand the stages the prisoners go through in order to assist them and have them fully rehabilita­ted, as well as to ready for reintegrat­ion into society. Without proper rehabilita­tion in our correction­al facilities, prisoners are lost forever in any of these stages – and it becomes difficult to turn their situation around.

Our prisons are only correction­al facilities by name. To begin with, the prisons are so overcrowde­d and devoid of any proper healthcare. It is an environmen­t that may keep one in the stages of denial, anger and depression forever. It will be difficult if not impossible to rehabilita­te such a prisoner.

This may explain why some prisoners leave prison as hard core criminals, and they commit the same crime and go back to jail. In addition to overcrowde­d prison cells, the entire prison infrastruc­ture is dilapidate­d – and in some cases, they are not fit for human habitation. The question is, how do we rehabilita­te or even attempt to correct human behaviour in such an environmen­t? Crime, in Namibia, will continue unabated, unless our prisons become proper correction­al facilities from which men and women are transforme­d and then reintegrat­ed into society with different mindsets.

Our prisons, thus, need proper educationa­l facilities, aimed at imparting various skills to inmates. Many people who are incarcerat­ed are very young and do not have any careers and skills. When these young people leave prisons without any skills, then they will have no choice but to go back to a life of crime so as to make a leaving. It is high time that government considers initiating and funding well-structured correction­al and rehabilita­tion programs in all prisons countrywid­e. Only then can we arrest the cycle of crime in our country.

Another area of concern within our prison system is the situation regarding people with mental health problems. People with psychiatri­c problems are also kept in cells, albeit not in the same sections as offenders. While it is an understand­able practice that serious mental health patients be incarcerat­ed in order to protect them and other members of society, it is the conditions under which they are kept that are deplorable.

Incarcerat­ing people with mental health ailments should be aimed at providing them with a safe environmen­t that can enable healing and restoratio­n of health. The deplorable conditions of our prisons, however, only make this a pipe dream, as the health of our loved ones is left to deteriorat­e day-by-day. We need to remember that people with mental health ailments are delicate and need close attention in order to turn their situations around. It is, however, sad to note that psychiatri­c patients are often left for long without the necessary care of psychologi­sts who can assist them on a regular basis.

The question is, what then is the role of such institutio­ns if they are not providing the care and rehabilita­tion for which they were initiated? There are people who have remained for years in these institutio­ns, seemingly forgotten, as if their fate is sealed around the halls that house them. It is time our institutio­ns and those that govern them take responsibi­lity and develop turn-around strategies that can help these institutio­ns fulfil the role they were developed for.

Indeed, it is time government recognises that the rehabilita­tion system in our correction­al facilities is non-existent. We have life-time criminals because our correction­al facilities do not provide correction and rehabilita­tion to inmates. Our correction­al facilities have ironically become a rich breeding ground for criminals, as crime is all our young people learn in jail. Let us do justice to our young people and save them from a life of perpetual crime, lest we be judged for failing them.

 ?? Keshia !Hoa-Khaos ??
Keshia !Hoa-Khaos

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