New Era

Former cop still awaits psych evaluation

- ■ Roland Routh

A former senior police officer attached to the Women and Child Protection Unit in Keetmansho­op, is still waiting for his psychologi­cal evaluation by a private psychiatri­st.

Prominent defence attorney Boris Isaacks told Windhoek High Court Judge Christie Liebenberg during a pretrial appearance that former detective warrant officer Morgan Brian Plaatjie was seen by a State psychiatri­st, but that he is still to be seen by a private psychiatri­st. The judge ordered that he must be evaluated by a psychiatri­st in the employment of the State as well as by a private psychiatri­st.

Plaatjie is facing one charge of housebreak­ing with the intent to murder and murder, read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act, one count of attempted murder, two counts of contraveni­ng the Combating of Domestic Violence Act – contraveni­ng a protection order, one count of assault by threat, and one count of malicious damage to property, read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act.

It is alleged by the State that during the period 25 to 26 June 2021 in Keetmansho­op, the accused broke down the toilet door of Yvette Sharon Louw by kicking it open with the intent to murder her, and then unlawfully and intentiona­lly killed Louw by stabbing her several times with a knife. The attempted murder charge relates to an incident on the same day when he unlawfully and intentiona­lly assaulted Dawid Jansen by stabbing him multiple times with the intention to murder him.

Similarly, former police reservist Johann Wickus Maree is also awaiting to be assessed by a psychiatri­st. His State funded lawyer Eva Nangolo indicated to judge Liebenberg that Maree is still on the waiting list. He is charged with 64 criminal charges.

Maree (50), stands accused of sexually assaulting under-aged boys and using them to produce pornograph­y that was shared and sold on the internet. He is facing 16 counts of rape, 29 counts of committing an immoral act with a child under the age of 16 and 15 counts of indecent assault, amongst others.

Deputy prosecutor general Antonia Verhoef represente­d the State.

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