New Era

UN to consider call for Israel arms embargo

- - AFP

GENEVA - The UN Human Rights Council will consider a draft resolution on Friday which is calling for an arms embargo on Israel, citing the “plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”.

If the draft resolution is adopted, it would mark the first time that the United Nations’ top rights body has taken a position on the war raging in Gaza.

The text condemns “the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects by Israel” in populated areas of the Gaza Strip, and demands that Israel “uphold its legal responsibi­lity to prevent genocide”.

The text was brought forward by Pakistan on behalf of 55 of the 56 UN member states in the Organisati­on of Islamic Cooperatio­n (OIC) - the exception being Albania.

The draft resolution is also cosponsore­d by Bolivia, Cuba and the Palestinia­n mission in Geneva.

Friday marks the last day of the current council session.

The eight-page draft demands that Israel end its occupation of Palestinia­n territory, and immediatel­y lifts its “illegal blockade” on the Gaza Strip, and all other forms of “collective punishment”.

It calls upon countries to stop the sale or transfer of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, citing “a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza”.

The draft “condemns the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects by Israel in populated areas in Gaza”, and voices grave concern at the effects of explosive weapons on hospitals, schools, water, electricit­y and shelter in Gaza.

It also “condemns the use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare”.

The draft resolution likewise calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and “condemns Israeli actions that may amount to ethnic cleansing”, urging all states to prevent the forcible transfer of Palestinia­ns within the Gaza Strip.

There are 47 countries serving on the Human Rights Council - among them 18 states which brought forward the draft resolution.

Twenty-four votes are needed for an outright majority, but resolution­s can pass with fewer votes due to abstention­s.

Israel has long accused the human rights council of being biased against it.

The bloodiest-ever Gaza war erupted with Hamas’ 7 October attack, which resulted in about 1 160 deaths in Israel, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Israel’s retaliator­y campaign has killed at least 32 916 people, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in Hamas-run Gaza.

 ?? Photo: AFP ?? Embargo… The UN Human Rights Council will consider a draft resolution on Friday calling for an arms embargo on Israel.
Photo: AFP Embargo… The UN Human Rights Council will consider a draft resolution on Friday calling for an arms embargo on Israel.

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