New Era

Animal health tips for farmers

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Keep clean and dry

When your livestock are in a clean, dry and well-ventilated area, you reduce the odds of dangerous viruses and bacteria getting a foothold and bringing livestock diseases to your farm. Adequate ventilatio­n is often more important than temperatur­e control.

Maintain proper density

When animals are over crowded, the risk of infection and injury increases. Help keep your herd safe by ensuring that your livestock have the appropriat­e space.

Pay attention to nutrition

The right diet can contribute to farm disease control by keeping your livestock healthy, so they are better able to fight off any infections. To start, choose a reliable feed supplier and guidance on the nutrient requiremen­ts for various animals.

Clean feeding and watering areas

It’s important to empty, clean and refill food and water troughs often. These areas can breed germs that lead to farm diseases if they are not cleaned regularly.

Germs can reach livestock

Things like trucks and trailers, shoes, clothing and feed bags can all carry germs that can infect your livestock. Anytime these items are in contact with another farm or other animals, make sure you don’t bring those germs onto your farm.

Stay on top of vaccinatio­ns

As with people, vaccinatio­ns can help reduce the odds that your livestock will develop a serious disease. Be sure vaccines are stored correctly, and injections are performed properly. Make sure to administer your vaccines before their expiration date.

Trust your eyes and instincts

You know when something looks or feels off. If an animal doesn’t seem quite right, even if you can’t identify the problem, separate them from the herd so you can evaluate and treat them if necessary. Early diagnosis can make diseases easier to treat and minimize the odds that they spread.

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