New Era

Namibia’s peaceful political transition: The world can learn from us


In the wake of the passing of our esteemed late president, His Excellency Hage Gottfried Geingob, Namibia stands as a beacon of tranquilli­ty during the transition of leadership.

As our nation gracefully navigates this pivotal moment, it is a testament to the peace and stability that our liberators fought ardently for.

Dear Liberators, your sacrifice and bravery have paved the way for a peaceful transfer of power, showcasing the resilience of a nation that cherishes the ideals of unity and freedom.

The lyrics of our national anthem, “Namibia, Land of the Brave,” echo the sentiment of a people who have emerged victorious in the fight for liberty.

As a Namibian youth, I urge my fellow citizens to wake up and recognise the profound significan­ce of this moment. Our liberators did not just fight for independen­ce; they fought for a nation where transition­s are marked by peace, not turmoil. This is the legacy they bequeathed to us, and it is our responsibi­lity to safeguard it.

Let us extend our deepest gratitude to the liberators who have departed, acknowledg­ing their role in shaping the peaceful Namibia we cherish today. To those still among us, we commend you for your unwavering commitment to our country’s well-being. Your sacrifices have not been in vain, and we stand on the shoulders of giants who paved the way for our present and future.

As Namibians, let us embrace this moment with gratitude and reflection. Our peaceful transition is a living tribute to the anthem that echoes in our hearts. Namibia, our beloved land, continues to stand tall as a testament to the bravery and vision of those who fought for our freedom. May we, as a united nation, continue to honour their legacy and build a future that upholds the ideals they valiantly fought for. Dear liberators, your dreams endure, in our hearts secured.

As a youth, I declare with pride that in your legacy, Namibia will abide.

Namibia’s legacy of peaceful transition­s in 2005, 2015 and 2024 stands in stark contrast to the struggles witnessed in various nations. In Africa, many founding presidents cling to power, stifling democracy, whereas Namibia shines as an exemplary model.

The unfortunat­e trend in some African countries, where leaders resist handing over power, poses a threat to democratic principles. Namibia’s commitment to peaceful transition­s serves as a beacon, showcasing the resilience of a nation prioritisi­ng democratic values.

Globally, even Western democracie­s face challenges. A notable case study is the UK, experienci­ng three presidents in a single term, highlighti­ng difficulti­es in upholding true democracy. Namibia’s contrast to such struggles emphasises the importance of our nation’s commitment to a smooth transfer of power.

In essence, Namibia’s history of peaceful transition­s not only sets us apart but also serves as a valuable lesson for the world, illustrati­ng the benefits of prioritisi­ng democracy and embracing change without turmoil.

* Hendrina Kudhingili­lwa is the president of Tukwatha Youth Organisati­on

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