New Era

Mali junta ‘suspends’ activities by political parties

- - Nampa/AFP

BAMAKO - Mali’s ruling militar y junta on Wednesday suspended all political activities, saying the move is needed to maintain public order.

“Until further notice, for reasons of public order, the activities of political parties and the activities of a political character of associatio­ns are suspended across the whole country,” under a decree decided by junta leader Colonel Assimi Goita, a government spokesman said.

The decree came after more than 80 political parties and civil groups on 1 April issued joint statements calling for presidenti­al elections “as soon as possible”, and an end to military rule.

The country has been ruled by juntas since back-to-back coups in 2020 and 2021, with the worsening security situation compounded by a humanitari­an and political crisis.

In June 2022, the junta said presidenti­al elections would be held in February, and power transferre­d back to civilians on 26 March.

But the elections were postponed, and the junta gave no further indication as to its intentions.

Government spokesman Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga justified the suspension of party activities by the “sterile discussion­s” during an attempt at national dialogue earlier this year. Opposition voices have been largely stifled under junta rule.

The junta banned the activities of a rare new opposition coalition in March, citing “threats of disturbanc­e to public order”.

The group was highly critical of military rule and proposed “a new way” for Malians, who since 2012 have seen the country ravaged by groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group.

The UN said last month that at least four organisati­ons had been dissolved in Mali since December 2023, including groups related to good governance, elections and the opposition.

Since seizing power in 2020, the junta ended several alliances, including with the European Union and former colonial power France, and instead fostered closer ties with Russia.

 ?? Photo: Nampa/AFP ?? Juncta decree… New interim Malian president, Colonel Assimi Goita (middle), stands with members of the Supreme Court during his swearing-in ceremony in Bamako in June 2021. Mali’s ruling military junta on 10 April 2024 announced the suspension of all party political activities on public order grounds.
Photo: Nampa/AFP Juncta decree… New interim Malian president, Colonel Assimi Goita (middle), stands with members of the Supreme Court during his swearing-in ceremony in Bamako in June 2021. Mali’s ruling military junta on 10 April 2024 announced the suspension of all party political activities on public order grounds.

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