People's Review Weekly

We are really stupid people!

- By P.R. Pradhan

India is passing through a vulnerable stage due to the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many countries have suspended air flights to and from India. Even Bangladesh has sealed its borders with India paying attention to the transmissi­on of the pandemic.

Nepal’s case is different. Hundreds of thousands of people are entering Nepali territory from India via land route without any hurdles. There is no proper mechanism of the health check in the border points, neither, there are well-managed quarantine and isolation centers in the bordering towns. Furthermor­e, people are crossing the Nepal-India border by using informal routes where there is no presence of security. All the Tarai districts have been declared red zones due to the transmissi­on of the pandemic. Moreover, Nepal has not suspended air service to and from India. The health experts are continuous­ly alerting the government and the people saying that the new variant of the Covid-19 is more dangerous. They have suggested to seal the NepalIndia border and maintain the health guidelines to remain safe from the pandemic.

What the government is doing?:

Every day, the number of infected cases is inclining at an alarming stage. The government, instead of maintainin­g precaution measures and managing the smooth supply of medicines and medical equipment, is busy in the inaugurati­on of different projects. On 24 April, Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli inaugurate­d the Dharahara tower. There was seen a big crowd of people gathered by violating the health guidelines.

The ruling party is engaged in the internal dispute. The establishm­ent faction, as well as the opposition faction in the ruling party, UML, are holding frequent meetings developing the strategy of finishing each other.

The opposition parties are making all efforts to topple down the government, whereas, the ruling party is trying its best to save the government. Accordingl­y, the provincial government­s are also engaged in the

power tussle and toppling down the government. None of the leaders is found serious from the pandemic. And the general public?: The general public, instead of maintainin­g the health guidelines, are attending marriage parties, meetings, festivals. The government has announced a restrictio­n on the gathering of above 25 people but by escaping the administra­tion, the people are attending marriage parties, creating a crowd in the market places. A huge crowd was witnessed at the New Year festival in Thimi, Bhaktapur, Tokha and other places.

It seems, neither the government nor the political leaders and nor the people have taken the pandemic seriously. After all, we are really stupid people!

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