People's Review Weekly

Deuba fails to expand Cabinet even after 51 days

- By Our Reporter

Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has again exhibited his incompeten­cy which former King Gyanendra had noted 19 years ago in 2002. It is evident from the fact that he has been unable to expand the Cabinet even 51 days after he assumed the office of the Prime Minister. Although he had the newly formed CPN (Unified Socialist) which was in the process of formation until a week ago, and the Janata Samajwadi PartyNepal as an excuse for the delay, now the issues are no more obstructin­g the expansion. He could expand the Cabinet even by inducting the ministers from the Maoist Centre and NC, but he did not, because he is unable to pick a minister from his own party. Moreover, when the people as well as the cadres of the opposition parties had expected that he would appoint Gaggan Kumar Thapa as health minister, he thwarted the expectatio­n and appointed Umesh Shrestha as state minister, which clearly hinted that Deuba would not work as per the aspiration­s of the people. When the coalition parties have started fighting for the important ministers, the Paudel faction has warned Deuba not to expand Cabinet till September 7, probably fearing that the appointmen­t of ministers may influence the results of the ward level party convention.

The Nepali Congress is holding its ward level convention on Friday. And if Deuba wanted to abide by the warning, the cabinet will not be expanded for one week more.

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