People's Review Weekly

Economic patriotism


Presently, the largest economy, the United States of America and the second-largest economy China are engaged in a trade war. Americans have restricted the import of many items manufactur­ed by China, China has also reciprocat­ed the American policy in the same manner. Understand­ably,

Americans don’t want to see China as the number one economy by leaving behind America’s economic dominance. America wants to stop China from becoming the number one economy in the globe. When the Americans were unable to compete with the Chinese products, they are lauding different issues including human rights in China. In the meantime, the Americans are trying to create an anti-China block in China’s neighbourh­ood, known to be the QUAD in the Indo-Pacific region. Notably, both countries are in a race for economic dominance. The fact is that without economic prosperity, we cannot make the nation prosperous, in another word, we should understand it is economic nationalis­m. Therefore, different strategies are developed by the government­s to achieve economic prosperity. Unfortunat­ely, due to the lack of proper strategies for economic prosperity, the nation is in a downgradin­g state.

The Panchayat era is being defined as an autocratic and dark period by the present-day leaders heavily involved in loottantar­a, however, we never saw 20-hours long load-shedding during the Panchayat days. In the 32 years of the present loottantra, the government is unable to construct a single reservoir model hydropower project, which was possible only during the Panchayat days, that is Kulekhani Hydropower Project. During the Panchayat days, all the government undertakin­g industries were running under profit and paying tax to the government. Thousands of locals were getting employment in such factories and Nepal was able to substitute imports of many items with the products made in Nepal.

Nepal Airlines, the only means of linking a landlocked country Nepal with the countries in the globe, had already started flying to the European countries and Japan and was planning to fly to the USA.

All the government undertakin­gs started to see bad days along with the introducti­on of this loottantra in 1989.

This is an example that how a bad system, bad leaders, bad management and bad governance ruin the country’s economy! The survival of Nepal Airlines is directly linked with Nepal’s security strategy but look at the fate of the Airlines today! It won't be a surprise if one day the government will announce the shutdown of the Airlines!

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