People's Review Weekly

Taliban takeover a ‘body blow’ to Indian interests in Afghanista­n

- Narayansha­ Al Jazeera

The Taliban’s return to power two weeks ago has caused a major diplomatic setback for India, with the South Asian giant now one of the region’s “most disadvanta­ged” players, analysts say.

Within weeks, the Taliban took over the country in a stunning military sweep, as US-led foreign forces were on their way out after 20 years – ending the country’s longest overseas war.

The sudden collapse of the Western-backed government in Kabul on August 15 precipitat­ed an unpreceden­ted exodus of diplomats, foreign aid workers and Afghans who worked for Western countries and feared reprisals from the Taliban. India was among the nations that closed their missions in Afghanista­n and brought back their staff and citizens. It is still trying to evacuate some citizens left behind amid chaotic conditions at the Kabul airport.

India, under Operation Devi Shakti, has already evacuated more than 800 people from Afghanista­n after Kabul was captured by the Taliban. On Thursday,


could evacuate only 24 of its citizens along with 11 Nepalese nationals in a military aircraft – not the more than 180 it had planned – as others could not reach the airport to board the aircraft.

India’s investment Afghanista­n

New Delhi invested $3bn in developmen­t projects, offered scholarshi­ps to Afghan students, and helped construct the parliament building at a cost of $90m, earning huge goodwill in the country of 38 million.

Last year, during the 2020 Afghanista­n Conference, India’s External Affairs Minister Subrahmany­am Jaishankar said no part of Afghanista­n was “untouched” by the “400plus projects” that India had undertaken in all 34 provinces of the country. Bilateral trade between the two countries had also increased significan­tly over the years and reached $1.5bn in 2019-2020.

India, which sees the Taliban as a proxy of its archrival Pakistan, had maintained close ties with the Northern Alliance, which defeated the Afghan armed group in 2001 with the help of the US-led NATO forces.

“India has



from being Kabul’s closest regional partner to one of the region’s most disadvanta­ged players in an Afghanista­n context,” said Michael Kugelman, deputy director of the Asia programme at the US-based Wilson Center.

Echoing similar sentiments, Happymon Jacob from New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, said: “I think India seems to be out of the game in Afghanista­n.” He told Al Jazeera in the last 20 years India played a positive role in Afghanista­n, but at present India’s diplomacy was almost “non-existent” in the country and its stakes have “dramatical­ly decreased”.

‘Too late in reaching out to the Taliban’

Some foreign policy mandarins have pointed out India was too late in reaching out to the Taliban to secure its interests, as reports emerged that Indian officials met the Taliban in the Qatari capital, Doha, in June. The Taliban establishe­d a political office in Doha in 2013.

Kugelman said two factors went against New Delhi: “India’s reluctance to reach out to the Taliban until it was too late, and an ill-fated Afghan reconcilia­tion process with a deep Pakistani footprint, owing to its ties to the Taliban.”

The Afghan reconcilia­tion process was an outcome of the agreement between the Taliban and the US signed in February 2020.

“One deprived India of potential leverage, and the other put New Delhi at a geopolitic­al disadvanta­ge,” Kugelman told Al Jazeera. India has been wary of the Taliban, given its proximity to Pakistan’s military spy agency the Inter-Services Intelligen­ce (ISI), while Islamabad has accused New Delhi of using

Afghan soil to “carrying out terror activities”.

“The Taliban takeover delivers a body blow to India’s strategic interests,” said Kugelman. “Afghanista­n will now have a pro-Pakistan government, and this will give Pakistan and India’s other key rival, China – Pakistan’s close friend – an opportunit­y to play more of a role in Afghanista­n. “There will also be security risks, because the Taliban takeover will galvanise regional militants, including anti-India terror groups.”

‘Wait and watch’

During its first stint in power, from 19962001, the Taliban faced internatio­nal isolation as it was recognised by only three countries – Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

But things seem to be different this time as regional powers such as China, Russia, and Iran have indicated they may work with the Taliban to secure their interests. President Ashraf Ghani, right, with whom New Delhi cultivated a close relationsh­ip, fled the country as the Taliban surrounded Kabul [File: Reuters]




Affairs Minister Kunwar Natwar Singh, last week in an interview suggested New Delhi should establish diplomatic ties with the Taliban if it functions as a “responsibl­e government”. But India’s former ambassador to Afghanista­n, Gautam Mukhopadha­ya, said the situation is still evolving and nothing has crystallis­ed yet.

“We don’t even have a transition­al administra­tion yet [in Afghanista­n],” he told Al Jazeera, adding the Western-backed Islamic Republic of Afghanista­n is still the recognised government of the country at the United Nations. “I think for the time being we have to wait and watch.”

Kugelman, however, said India’s only option in Afghanista­n is to try to reach out to the Taliban again, as “unpalatabl­e a choice as that may be”.

“At a minimum, establishi­ng informal links with the Taliban government would put New Delhi in a stronger position to ensure that its assets and investment­s in Afghanista­n aren’t imperilled,” he said.

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