People's Review Weekly

Bad days ahead for Nepal

Where lost Modi's "Rishiman"?


By 2035 China will be a world power. The silk road plan is related to it. Quite earlier it has started to revive the 1962 claims of South Tibet. It has indicated to free Sikkim and make Bhutan fully sovereign. Darjeeling, a forcedly occupied land of Nepal, is burning. On the other hand, the Kashmir issue is being activated and is related to the 44 billion CPEC project. Iran has already hinted that it will help Pakistan in such a situation. Indian security sectors have analyzed the situation and made a strategic plan. Indian PM Modi is strengthen­ing relations with the USA and is travelling to Israel and European countries.

The world-famous Gorkhali Army (Nepal Army) has almost forgotten its own history of glories. The intelligen­ce department does not know anything more than drawing salaries and get appointmen­ts for by-passing PSC contests. It is now high time to frame a 50 to 100-year strategic secret plan as to how to take back its lost territorie­s, Tista to Sutlej. Instead, India is running towards the end result of the twelve-point New Delhi pact. Nepali commoners are unaware of the hidden meaning of the pact and the continuous two decade long ongoing exercises. It will not come into a normal position, I guess, till the ill intentions are fulfilled. The present exercises being practised in Nepal are highly fatal or I would say suicidal.

Since Indian PM Modi visited Nepal and launched the new strategic behaviour dealing with neighbours was very positive. His

Richman address at Nepal's parliament deeply touched the heart and minds of the Nepali people. General Nepalis had hope that Modi is a genuine Adhyatmic leader and is changing Christian based Nehru doctrine into Vedic based socialism doctrine making Nepal, the Hindu Kingdom, the centre of Vedic civilizati­on. And transformi­ng India into Bharat, a Hindu-rastra, as was before foreigners ruled there.

His Rishiman address didn't last long. When he visited the lady chancellor of Germany, introduced himself as the representa­tive of the Budha born country. Soon after, he visited China and signed an agreement to construct a road via Lipulek pass without consulting Nepal. While addressing the Nepali parliament he had clearly stated that the Kalapani area is a disputed one. These two things touched my mind would India may come out of the double standard principle? After a couple of weeks Indian Home Minister Rajnath Singh, visiting Maharajgun­j, Bihar, close to the Nepal-India border, said, "Although the Madhesi problem is an internal issue of Nepal, the Indian government will protect the interests of the one crore Indians living there, Madhesis are Indians who had migrated to Nepal years ago. While many have received Nepali citizenshi­p, the majority of them are still without a nationalit­y…however, the BJP has been supporting the Madhesis for a long time.” (Daily mail online India). India is accused of providing logistic support to the movement of the Madhesis against the Nepal government for a pretty long time. All Nepali intellectu­als and journalist­s must understand that all Madeshis residing in plain land Tarai are the genuine son of the Nepali soil. They are not the Indian migrants as the Indian Home Minister has claimed. Madhesis, who claim that the Nepal government deliberate­ly ignores the Tarai area to relegate them is the language they express, no more than, coined by RAW and South Desk. The unethical, unnatural demand of one Madesh one Pradesh is also coined by those Indians, not by the Tarai people. It is to note that Tarai is Nepal's only developed and prioritize­d area. Any unbiased researcher can make a detailed survey. It is crucial at this point in time because the entire Tarai area of Nepal is caught in violent clashes.

Earlier, so-called three Nepal experts Prof. Suka Dev Muni, General Mehata, ex-foreign secretary and ambassador to Nepal Shyam Saharan, had come to Nepal, met those activists and exited them. They gave the guidelines for unrest and provided them with the required financial and logistic support. Both Tharuwan and non Tharuwans are the outcomes of their support. At the same time, the UN Secretary-General Baanki Moon had warned the Nepal government not to lose, so far, gained outcomes. Clearly, he means secularism and republican­ism. Christian countries' i.e. Union of the existing EU Ambassador­s had met (undiplomat­ic delegation) the then PM Sushil Koirala, speaker of the parliament and communist leaders were in contact with Banki Moon. Prachand, Sherbahadu­r, Baburam and Khadga Prasad had dialogue with India without the presence of the Nepali officials, which relates to this point directly or indirectly. General people say that they were taken there to judge to whom to make Lhendup Dorjee. Now, at this moment, they require to clarify themselves in front of the sovereign Nepali citizen.

As the 25-point pact made by ex-PM Prachand with India indicates that the foreign affairs of Nepal will be delt through India. This was practicall­y proven the articles 10 and 11 while meeting then PM Prachanda to President of China, PM Modi entered without permission. He knows all about the formula of Hindu culture that a third man is foolish entering while two persons are talking.

It looks that the present drama is the repetition, played during the time of 12 point Delhi Pact, in which the presence of missionari­es, ambassador­s, the Samuel Tamrat (as a UN envoy) were abnormal. Now, both the external forces are very much aware to impose their interests in the constituti­on. It is now clear that the 19 days long revolution in the 2006 April uprising was sponsored with one billion rupees aimed at bringing the people inside the valley from all over the country. The missionari­es alone had allocated one billion for one day conference of the Janjati related activities to impose secularism in the constituti­on. They had mobilized 10 thousand people visiting door to door. Half of them were High School level students. During the 2006 unrest, there were running two parallel schools of thought for and against republican­ism. Now the same type of thoughts has been floated for either Bhutanizat­ion or Sikkimizat­ion. On the other hand, the missionari­es are building pressure on then PM Sushil Koirala, Subas Nembang, and Prachand and so on in favour of secularism. The dollar boosted party leaders were making tricky affairs that secularism will be removed after the amendment of the forthcomin­g constituti­on soon after it is enforced. It is to note that there will be no two-thirds majority to amend the constituti­on even if they are positive. First, the making of the constituti­on is for a hung parliament, which means bargain divide and eats. Second, the parliament­arians are of low grade by nature of the election system are sellable and will be purchased, for the aliens have no shortage of money.

It is now clear that the foregone struggles were for the aliens, by the aliens and of the aliens. The Nepalis, mainly the SPAM were used as mercenarie­s. The changes made so far is not for the benefit of Nepal, nor the change will give a positive and fruitful result to Nepalis in future. Those mercenarie­s are reluctant in lauding Nepal's protest on the Kalapani territory, the Sino-Indian agreement for opening Lippulekh pass for trade, and the return of the territory belonging to the Greater Nepal. It is now high time to expose the mercenarie­s of the alien forces by the intellectu­als and the journalist­s. People should know the reality. They have to ask the question of why are not the Christian or Muslim countries secular? Why is the UK the Christian kingdom?

I would like to request all to help save Nepal, make the country prosperous. If Nepal's identity is lost, what is the meaning of saving minors' identity? If national identity is lost what does it mean of ethnic identities as provoked by Prachanda! Why is a country having 94.6 percent Hindu population and supported by the 4 percent Nepali Muslims for declaring the Hindu kingdom ignored? What do the westerners mean by democracy?

The Nepal government has not made any long-term strategy on security. It has not even prepared the longterm developmen­t policy and programmes. Its policy is to be dependent on two alien forces in all matters required for a sovereign nation. They have spoiled all the foundation­s made for self-dependency during the last 27 years since they captured the power. Will Nepali intellectu­als help aware the people for safeguardi­ng their independen­ce and sovereignt­y?

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