People's Review Weekly

Economy becoming the victim of wrong policy


Nepal is an underdevel­oped nation, which means, we have a shortage of investment capital and we are far behind in infrastruc­tural developmen­t. Investment capital plays an important role in Nepal like countries. Due to lack of informatio­n, lack of proper study and also ill-intention of the policymake­rs, the country is wasting precious investment capital and the economy is suffering from the unhealthy competitio­n. Earlier, the government had not permitted running commercial banks to the private sector. Along with the open-up of the economy, the government decided to permit the private sector to run commercial banks without proper study on the size of the economy and the number of banks needed for the country. Almost all businessme­n wanted to establish a bank. Running a business and running banks are two separate jobs. In other countries, bankers are not allowed to do business, simultaneo­usly, businessme­n cannot run a bank. It became possible in Nepal. Serious to note, within a few years, the number of commercial banks increased to the extent that they were unable to get business for their survival. When the government saw the possibilit­y of the collapse of the banking sector, it asked the private sector banks to go for a merger. The merger process of the banks still continues.

The same scenario has been witnessed in the insurance sector. Earlier, there were a limited number of insurance companies. They too were not getting necessary business, in the meantime, with the attraction of commission and bribe, the government authoritie­s opened licenses to run more insurance companies. Now, there has been seen an unhealthy competitio­n in the market. It is sure, some other day, the government may ask the insurance companies for a compulsory merger. Of course, private sector participat­ion is important for economic developmen­t. However, the government experts, instead of taking personal benefit by providing license to run a business, should provide the necessary informatio­n and market position for any start-up investment. The most important thing is that the government has to establish an informatio­n bank.

Nepal is an agricultur­al country but the farmers are doing traditiona­l farming as their ancestors were doing. As farmers are unable to get the return from their investment, they are less interested to continue their traditiona­l job. This is why many farmlands are left without cultivatio­n. If the government would have supported the farmers with new technology, detailed informatio­n about the farming process and market price, farmers could have been attracted towards farming and earning profit. Such support by the government could help to substitute imports of the agroproduc­ts from foreign countries.

Will the government think about it?

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