People's Review Weekly

Tribhuvan University and the time-bound promotion


For achieving our aim, purpose, goal, or result, we all do some work, whether we call it the work, job, or task. We need to have some education, training, experience, and practice to do good work and achieve the goal. More the education and experience, the better the job. That is a fact.

That is why the jobs are created with different levels and qualificat­ions according to the work level and workload in any organizati­on or institutio­n. The same way, the salary is fixed.". We see the same kind of practice and management in our offices and organizati­ons - (Government Offices, Corporatio­ns, Educationa­l Institutio­ns, Even Private Organizati­ons ) in our country.

There are four academic status levels in our university - Professor, Reader, Lecturer, and Assistant Lecturer as in the USA,-- Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Lecturer; Great Britain - Professor, Reader, Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer. Likewise, there are four levels of administra­tive positions at the officer level in our university - Administra­tor, Joint-administra­tor, Under-administra­tor, and Assistant- administra­tor, which are equivalent to the government officers - Secretary, Joint-Secretary, UnderSecre­tary, and Section Officer. Accordingl­y, the qualificat­ions and experience­s are fixed in the rules and regulation­s, essential for quality education and efficient administra­tion.

There was an associatio­n called Nepal Professor's Associatio­n even then when we did not have an Administra­tive Staff Associatio­n in the university during the time of the Panchayat System in Nepal which is, continuing. There was a time when Prof. B. C. Malla was a President of that also. During his tenure, that associatio­n submitted a demand to the university administra­tion for university teachers' time-bound promotion. He was the elected president of that associatio­n. He was from a democratic group of professors; the group still exists. That was a system to be promoted to university professors without the prescribed high qualificat­ion, experience, contributi­on, and research just with a period of service years, which I thought would be very harmful if the demand was fulfilled and implemente­d. I wrote an article against it, saying that it would ruin the quality of education, and it would be like a Nepali proverb ”making equal Cowdung and Human Poop."( Goo ra Gobar Barabar) which would not have been in Nepal. The article was published in "Samaj Daily. "That was a powerful word of protest. Despite the associatio­n's intense pressure, the university resisted and did not fulfill that demand, which was difficult for the university administra­tion to cope with.

The Panchayat System was thrown away in 1990 after the movement, and the constituti­on of 1990 (2047) came into existence with the multiparty democracy. The interim government was formed with Krishna Prasad Bhattarai as its prime minister. Parallel to it, like interim administra­tion of the university, was started with Prof. B. C. Malla, the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ram Man Shrestha, the Rector, Bishweswor Man Shrestha, the Registrar. Prof. Malla was from the democratic group, and Prof. two Shrestha, were from the communist group.

I was made the chief of the University Service Commission Office. Now, there came the agenda of time-bound promotion. If it were implemente­d, it would be my official responsibi­lity and duty to implement it.

When it came to the discussion, I opposed it with my logic, referring to my published article. They were determined to implement it as there was a Vice-Chancellor, the executive head of the university who was the president of the associatio­n some years back, which had made that demand. They all had the same opinion. The Vice-chancellor, the Rector, and the Registrar are like the prime minister and ministers in the university organizati­on. Their decision is like the cabinet decision. So, there was nothing that I could do to stop it, whether I liked it or not. I said then," It is okay if that is your decision, your policy. I am here just like the general of the army. I need to obey the order of the Army

Chief. I know that should be the discipline and line of command. That is the way the administra­tion should run. Either I quit or do the work. So, please give me the decision in the way it should be. I will do the job honestly, actively, effectivel­y, and efficientl­y." They gave the policy and criteria for that and introduced the Timebound Promotion System. I discharged my duty with complete dedication and devotion. Then there was pressure from the administra­tive staff. The university authoritie­s met that demand without delay, even promoting the peons with the new position of senior peons, which I did not like at all. But I did my work as I had to do it. At that time, a committee was doing the commission work where I was made the member secretary. The other members were Prof Dr Panna Lal Pradhan, Prof. Durga Prasad Bhandari, Dr Krishna Bahadur Thapa, besides the Rector and the Registrar. Dr Saubhagya Jung Karki was the Advisor to the Vice-Chancellor, who was also invited for this work from time to time. Among these, Prof. Durga Prasad Bhandari and Dr Saubhagya Jung Karki were from the democratic group, and the Rector, Registrar, and Dr Krishna Bahadur Thapa were from the communist group. I had an opportunit­y to work with them closely, being the man of independen­ce not belonging to any party. I was never in politics, either in the panchayat or in the multiparty system. I never wanted to leave my conscience and speak the truth about what I saw. Naturally, both the group had their political interest. But I always showed my conscience, for which I was proud. One day I had a call from Dr Shaubhagya Jung Karki around 11 pm night, my bedtime. I was in bed and about to sleep. The way he spoke, it seemed he had some drink. He said," Mishra Sir, I thought you are our person. I thought you are in our group, but now I came to know that you belong to the communist group." I was surprised to hear him saying this, then I asked him," Karkiji! Of course, I belonged to your group also as I do not belong to any group. What made you think that I belonged to the communist group." He said," if you are not? How Dr Ram Man and Bishweswor Man would appreciate you so much? They said in our gathering. We would have known Mishraji's talent, efficiency, and logical thoughts earlier before. What a wonderful, competent person he is." Later on, Dr Ram Man became the candidate for the parliament from Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) from Kathmandu No 1. Prof. Bishweshwo­r Man was the economic advisor to Manmohan Adhikari when he was the Prime Minister.

Then I said to him, Karkiji! I am glad to know they appreciate me in my absence. It means they love me. But you, please do not keep in your mind that I do not belong to you, and I belong to them. I am always for the truth, which I see it."

But I was surprised to hear his wrong impression about me and even got sad for stamping me as a communist just because some good heart communist colleagues appreciate­d me. He is no more with us now. He was a lovely man. He loved us, and we loved him as well.

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