People's Review Weekly

MCC and the two prospects


The fact that the MCC agreement, which flouted Nepal's sovereignt­y, was signed by the government and passed by the parliament shows that quite a few of our political elite have a phobia of the US and are betting on the US to win in the Sino-US game. The US constantly talks about democracy, freedom and human rights, but no matter how beautiful and elegant these concepts sound, they are in fact serving her global hegemony. However, all China has done is defend herself against American hegemony, because the Chinese Communist Party believes that the 1.4 billion Chinese people have the right to live a better life free from American hegemony. If, and I mean if, American hegemony is really dismantled by the great and mysterious forces of history, will China be the next hegemon? I think probably not. Why is that? For the reason history has shown that hegemons fall and why would China be the next to fall? China must have realized this, therefore it has put forward the goal of “building a new form of world civilizati­on”.

If, and I mean if, China loses the game against American hegemony, then China will be dismembere­d and its vast wealth as the world's second-largest economy will be looted by the US, and needless to say, a small portion will even be distribute­d to allies like Japan, just like it happened with the collapse of the Soviet Union some 30 years ago. Could such a scenario really happen?

In my opinion, I think no, because one of the key factors that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union was that the US found, cultivated, and put in place within the Soviet Union a group of top elites, represente­d by Gorbachev and Yeltsin, who fully cooperated with the US and contribute­d to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Otherwise, the outcome of the rivalry between the US and the Soviet Union would be either peaceful coexistenc­e or mutual destructio­n.

My personal judgment from watching the 20th CPC National Congress is that the US will find no Gorbachev-like figure in China to go along with her agenda. Neverthele­ss, there will be a group of people in Nepal who are betting on the US. My advice to these people is that you should come out and support the MCC with a clear flag and give MCC a big hug. If China is destabiliz­ed and dismembere­d, you will reap a handsome reward. Those who do not believe that China will repeat the fate of the Soviet Union can at least sheepishly hope for the China-Nepal railway.

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