People's Review Weekly

Kashmir black day observed in Kathmandu

- Biggest challenge to peace in South Asia.

Kathmandu, 31 October: Today, Pakistan Embassy organized a talk programme on “Consequenc­es of Illegal Occupation” to commemorat­e the Kashmir Black Day. Seventy-five years ago, on 27 October 1947, India deployed troops to Srinagar in an unlawful interventi­on and illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir. Since then Pakistan and Kashmiris observe this day as “Kashmir Black Day”. Prominent politician­s, analysts, scholars and eminent journalist­s participat­ed in the event. During the programme, messages from the Pakistani President, Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were read out to the participan­ts present at the Embassy.

In his message, President Arif Alvi paid tribute to the Kashmiris for their resilience in their just struggle for the right to selfdeterm­ination. President Alvi highlighte­d Indian state terrorism in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJK), human rights violations and illegal & unilateral actions to deprive the Kashmiri people of their economic, political and land rights and change of demography of the IIOJK. In his message, Prime

Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Shareef reaffirmed Pakistan’s resolute support for the Kashmiri brothers and sisters. He reiterated Pakistan’s solidarity with the Kashmiri people until the realizatio­n of their legitimate and inalienabl­e right to self-determinat­ion, following the United Nations Charter and relevant UN Security Council Resolution­s. Prime Minister Shareef demanded the immediate lifting of the military siege and communicat­ions blockade as well as rescinding of India’s illegal and unilateral actions in IIOJK in violation of numerous UNSC resolution­s.

Prime Minister Shareef called for the release of all those arbitraril­y arrested and illegally incarcerat­ed. He also called for the immediate repeal of draconian laws providing impunity to Indian occupation forces. He demanded access to internatio­nal human rights and humanitari­an organizati­ons, as well as the internatio­nal media, to investigat­e the grave human rights situation in the occupied territory. Foreign Minister Bilwal Bhutto Zardari in his message highlighte­d that the Jammu & Kashmir dispute has been a battle of hope against overwhelmi­ng odds, of courage against fear, and sacrifice against tyranny and paid rich tributes to all the martyrs for their ultimate sacrifice and their families for their resolve and perseveran­ce. He called upon the internatio­nal community to take practical steps to hold India accountabl­e Indian government must reverse the unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019; stop its egregious human rights violations in IIOJK; repeal the draconian laws and implement the relevant UN Security Council resolution­s on Jammu & Kashmir.

The Charge d’Affaires (a.i.) Umair Ali recalled the genesis of the long-festering dispute and numerous UNSC resolution­s which enshrined the promise not just from the United Nations but from the internatio­nal community to the people of Jammu and Kashmir about their right to selfdeterm­ination. The nonimpleme­ntation of these resolution­s had subjected several generation­s of the people of IIOJK to grave injustices, and sufferings and jeopardize­d the peace and stability of the entire region.

Speaking at the event, participan­ts expressed severe concerns about the media/informatio­n blockade, use of pellet guns, arrest of Kashmiri leadership and other inhuman actions of the Indian government which have been well documented in the UN High Commission­er on Human Rights reports. Miscellane­ous reportings of Amnesty Internatio­nal and other internatio­nal human rights organizati­ons were also taken into account and India’s repressive measures in the disputed territory were criticized. The participan­ts had a consensus that the unresolved status of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute has been the

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