People's Review Weekly

Akudia mastermind­ed one quintal gold smuggling


Kathmandu, 29 July: Following the evidence, the Revenue Investigat­ion Team has concluded that Indian national Rakeshkuma­r Akudia, also having Nepali citizenshi­p and using Indian and Nepali passports, could have mastermind­ed the one quintal gold smuggling from the Tribhuvan Internatio­nal Airport. First of all, Jana Aastha News had reported in detail about Akudia’s involvemen­t in gold smuggling from Hong Kong to Kathmandu and then smuggling it to India. Akudia, who was in Kathmandu during the smuggling of the gold, escaped from Nepal successful­ly.

It is suspected that without political protection and a strong setting at the TIA, Akudia alone could not mastermind such a huge quantity of gold smuggling.

After conducting a search operation in warehouses used by the suspected smugglers, a large number of empty break shoe covers of the bikes were recovered. It makes clear that earlier too, gold was smuggled in a large quantity and smugglers were successful to smuggle gold to India from Kathmandu. Nepal-India opened border and smuggling network:

Nepal-India opened border has become a haven for smugglers. Such smuggling in a huge quantity has badly affected revenue collection in formal trade between Nepal and India. Nepal cannot consume such a huge quantity of gold. It is in high demand in India and when customs duty is high in India in import of gold, it is being smuggled via Nepal.

The recent Revenue Investigat­ion Department under the Prime Minister’s Office conducted its operation under Indian pressure,

say sources.

Who is Akudia?

Ramkumar Akudia, who is residing in Kathmandu for a long time, was earlier involved in a banking fraud case. He was responsibl­e for manipulati­ng depositors’ money at the Gorkha Developmen­t Bank Ltd. Later, he was involved in a share business and once he became bankrupt. Lately, he obtained a GSA for Tesla vehicles, and for this also, he has produced fake documents from Tesla. Tesla is a very expensive vehicle and he didn’t earn money from the vehicle business as Nepalis cannot offer the price of the vehicle. Neverthele­ss, of late, Kaudia’s standard of living was surprising­ly changed, say businessme­n acquainted with Akudia.

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