People's Review Weekly

UMl disrupts House meeting obstructin­g the passage of several important Bills

- By Our Reporter

It seems the CPN-UML led by KP Sharma Oli is an expert in obstructin­g the Parliament. The party has earned a bad name for obstructin­g the House business even over a trivial issue right from it entered the Parliament in 1991. However, none of its obstructio­ns succeeded. It withdrew all the obstructio­ns gaining nothing, but only adding woes to the public. It obstructed the erstwhile House for its entire term after Oli stepped down in 2021.

Now when the parliament has to discuss and pass several important bills including the Federal Civil Service Act, Federal Education Bill and others, the UML has been obstructin­g the House for over a week demanding the formation of a HighLevel Commission to investigat­e the gold smuggling case.

After the UML continued obstructin­g the scheduled session of the House of Representa­tives (HoR) on Tuesday, the meeting has been adjourned till next Monday.

It is the second time the House meeting was cancelled. The meeting of the Lower House that was scheduled for 1 pm on Monday was adjourned for today.

The dispute between the ruling parties and the UML on whether to form a high-level investigat­ion committee over the gold smuggling scam or not is affecting the entire House process.

After Speaker Devraj Ghimire failed to forge an agreement in the discussion with the chief whips of the parties to conduct the House session smoothly, the meeting of the House of Representa­tives has been postponed till next Monday, August 7.

The office of the House Speaker issued a notice to inform the MPs about the adjournmen­t of the Lower House today. "The Speaker has adjourned the meeting scheduled for Tuesday afternoon according to the House of Representa­tives Regulation­s rule-6 (III)," read the notice. Dr Bharat Raj Gautam, General Secretary of the Federal Parliament, mentioned in the notice that the meeting was postponed for coming Monday due to a special reason.

Earlier on Monday, UML chair KP Oli during a meeting held with Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal in Baluwatar had agreed to allow Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha to respond to the queries of the lawmakers in the House of Representa­tives, but his party CPN-UML obstructed the House in New Baneshwor.

A Task Management Committee meeting was also held in the Federal Parliament on Tuesday to remove the impasse in the parliament. However, it could not settle the dispute between the government and the opposition. Now it is not certain how long the UML will obstruct the House because all the records of the longest House obstructio­n in Nepal are set by the UML.

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