People's Review Weekly

“No Cocktail man is here, let’s have a cocktail!” Draught in Birgunj


It was a pleasure for this Babbler to meet our old pal “Cocktail Man” after a long gap. We recalled those old days and incidents that had happened in the course of publishing this Weekly newspaper.

“Cocktail Man” was a popular column that caught the attention of the diplomats who were in Kathmandu during those days.

The “Cocktail Man” recalled one incident when he was shipping cocktail drinks with the then-British ambassador. The diplomat was happy that he thought he had not invited the “Cocktail Man” (assuming it was M.R. Josse, consultant editor of this Weekly) at that party. And the real Cocktail Man felt happy that at least he was able to make fool the diplomat!

Golden airport

The Tribhuvan Internatio­nal Airport has turned into the golden airport after smugglers were able to pass quintals of gold from there.

When commoners who return home from abroad, are not allowed to carry two bottles of Scotch, two mobile phone sets, and a small quantity of gold, smugglers can pass quintals of gold without any hurdles.

Indeed, Nepal has turned into a haven for those smugglers and brokers.

One thing is clear, without political protection, those smugglers don’t invest billions of rupees or say, they don’t dare to risk such a hefty amount!

People from Birgunj city are facing an acute shortage of water during the summer season. We can assume the plight of local people in Birgunj. Neverthele­ss, local people are responsibl­e for inviting such an adverse situation.

Deforestat­ion, exploiting river products, abolishing traditiona­l ponds and erection of concrete buildings are responsibl­e for declining the level of groundwate­r. We know this fact but we are destroying nature and thus we have been punished. Digging ponds around the area and launching a tree plantation campaign around the Chure hills could end the drought and flood problem in the Tarai plains. Will people listen to us?

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