People's Review Weekly

What if a trilateral alliance... Nepal to participat­e in the Bihar Museum Biennale 2023


April 27, 2023, that Pakistani and Chinese military commanders during the trip to Beijing discussed regional security and bilateral military cooperatio­n, emphasizin­g the importance of maintainin­g peace and stability in the region.

It was the time when Indian PM Modi was planning a trip to the USA and later to France.

This does mean that Pakistan was well abreast of the Indian moves and acting accordingl­y which then again means that “China shall not abandon Pakistan in any eventualit­y” and the bonds between the two are unshakeabl­e come what may.

Amazingly, China did not utter a single word even after the arrest of PM IK as, speculatio­ns were rife, for the Chinese establishm­ent, what counts is the Military institutio­n.

China has no interest in an elected government in Pakistan but instead, its visible leaning is on the Army.

In Beijing, Army Chief Syed Asim Munir reportedly met not only with the top military brass but also met with the politburo member and top diplomat Wang Yi on April 27, 2023.

Wang Yi is reported to have lauded the efforts of the Pakistani Army in defending the country from onslaughts. “Mr Wang hinted to Syed Munir that in China’s strategic calculatio­n the Pak Army, rather than civilian elected government­s, can be better relied upon by Beijing to ensure stability”.

This means that the Pak Army Chief returned all agog when he got positive signals from Pakistan’s ironclad brother. Could this then be said that China-Pakistan increased hobnobbing after Imran’s arrest tentativel­y equals what the US means to India in the Quad?

Albeit, China-Pakistan ties are not knotted to any security mechanism such as the Quad. Yet the China-Pak increased juxtaposit­ion appears to be guided by a purpose and that is the, hopefully, upkeep of South Asian regional peace and stability.

If the US prefers to shield India then why should not Pakistan be shielded by China and that too for regional stability?

It is here that brings China and the US into confrontat­ion sadly.

Needless to say, after the advent of President Xi, China appears more than interested in its increased engagement with South Asian nations and that way it prefers to influence South Asian geopolitic­s. China’s increased bilateral ties in South Asia strategica­lly appear steered by a desire in containing Indian power (after the entry into the QUAD mainly) and resisting the expanding American influence of late.

For all this to happen, China necessaril­y needs to strengthen India’s rival Pakistan’s strategic and military capabiliti­es.

Besides Pakistan, China has considerab­le clout in B’desh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka. (Excerpt from a

Central European Journal of Internatio­nal and Security Studies Vol. 12, 2018).

In Nepal, China is in a fix as it is trying hard to unite the Communists who are indoctrina­ted by the Indian regime knowing even that these fake Nepal Communists were working for India and are taken now in Nepal as “Gold Smugglers”.

Needless to say, China’s interest in South Asia is certainly aimed at increasing its political and security interests.

The more India and the Western nations' center eye on South Asia, China too will act accordingl­y by positionin­g itself in South Asian nations, particular­ly in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and even Bhutan.

Of late Beijing-Thimpu have met in Kunming as regards the border issue which is why Indian FS B. M. Quatra landed in Thimpu recently.

Nepal is a lost case for China as reiterated earlier, Nepal’s Communists speak India, eat India, dream India, sleep India, talk India and even excrete India.

Yet China believes Kathmandu is important in South Asia.

Instead, it should strengthen Pakistan to blunt Indian hegemony in South Asia and also to keep the region peaceful and safe.

So aptly reiterates Dr Pushpa R. Adhikari in his article titled China in South Asia published by World Affairs: The Journal of Internatio­nal Issues, Vol. 18, No 2, that “in keeping with the goal of “National Dream” in mind and for security considerat­ions, it has been creating and strengthen­ing bonds with Pakistan, Afghanista­n, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, which increase its leverage on India. Putting all these political reasons together, which ChinaPakis­tan Economic Corridor (CPEC), both Pakistan and China have envisioned that the full completion of the CPEC will not only help-build Pakistan's economy but will qualitativ­ely enhance the social, political, and economic prowess of Pakistan which of late is in trouble.

CPEC is a game changer so both China and Pakistan believe.

This perhaps fittingly explains why China and Pakistan need each other in South Asia and beyond.

If and when Russia too joins or for that matter enters South Asia through Pakistan (as a suitable alternativ­e to India now aligned with the Quad) only then the trilateral alliance of Islamabad-BeijingMos­cow shall be able to act like a political, economic and “nuclear preventive” in South Asia given the visible superiorit­y of India due to the excessive flow of weaponry from the Western nations meant for India. Notably, Russia too apparently is not happy with India’s inching closer to the QUAD. And with the US also which is lingering the Ukrainian high voltage conflict. And above all, Russia and China at the moment are on the same wavelength on global political issues. That's all.

Kathmandu, 31 July: Nepal is going to participat­e in the prestigiou­s Bihar Museum Biennale 2023 being organized as a part of the G-20 initiative during India’s Presidency for the year 2023.

Sagar Shumsher Rana, chair, Nepal Art Council, informed at a press conference organized on Sunday, “We are proud to be a part of the cultural extravagan­za and to share our artistic contributi­ons on this platform.

Rana said that the organizers have allotted four thousand square feet of space for Nepal, which is a matter of glory for Nepal.

Prithivi Bahadur Pande’, treasurer of the Council, said that this is a good opportunit­y for promoting Nepali arts and culture on internatio­nal platforms.

For the success of this venture, Yeti Airlines and Nepal Investment Mega

Bank have contribute­d five hundred thousand rupees. Pande’ further said that for the promotion of Nepali art and culture, we should also take part in foreign countries. In this regard, the Council has aimed at organizing such an art exhibition in Singapore and Vienna shortly.

The Council is going to display 205 artworks by 68 artists at the Bihar Museum Biennale 2023.

This will be the largest exhibition of Nepali contempora­ry art outside of the country.

Showcases from museums of Costa Rica, Panama, Thailand, Nepal, Israel, Italy, and other European countries will be on display during the Bihar Museum Biennale 2023. The exhibition will take place at the Bihar Museum in Patna, India, and will run from 7 August to 7 October 2023.

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