People's Review Weekly

Investigat­ion team maintains soft corner towards high-ranking leaders

- By Our Reporter

Now investigat­ions into three different corruption cases are in progress. They are related to Lalita Niwas land scam, the smuggling of gold and the doctors possessing fake certificat­es. However, no high-profile leaders have been booked in these cases. Although the Central Investigat­ion Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police arrested Nepali Congress lawmaker Sunil Sharma on a fake certificat­e case, he was released on a court order.

Considerin­g these all things, people are fearing the investigat­ion into corrupt cases will not be effective.

Media have been reporting the involvemen­t of powerful leaders of the ruling party in gold smuggling, Lalita Niwas scam, but they have not been arrested or interrogat­ed yet, and this has disappoint­ed the public.

Instead of concluding the cases of the gold scam and Lalita Niwas, the government has recently arrested a few doctors for having fake certificat­es. But when the CIB arrested a genuine doctor and a lawmaker of NC, the act is likely to misfire. The arrest of Sunil Sharma, an NC lawmaker has caused a visible division in the NC which could culminate in the collapse of the present coalition government if the issue is not sorted out.

Although Dr Bhattarai recently said that all culprits involved in corruption should be booked, the CIB has not issued a warrant against Dr Bhattarai and CPN (Unified Socialist) chair Madhav Kumar Nepal.

Similarly, Maoist leader Krishna Bahadur Mahara, who is accused of involving in the gold smuggling case, said that unnecessar­y publicity has been done against him relating to the alleged gold smuggling scam.

Speaking with journalist­s in Ghorahi of Dang on Tuesday, leader Mahara demanded with the government to begin a fair investigat­ion in the case in which he was dragged and accused repeatedly alleging involvemen­t of him and his son.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal said on Tuesday that the police would clarify whether Mahara and his son had been involved in the gold smuggling case. During a meeting with editors on Tuesday, the PM said this while stating that he was committed to maintainin­g good governance in the country.

The soft corner shown to powerful leaders of the ruling parties is likely to weaken the cases.

A meeting of the ruling alliance was held at Baluatar on Monday to discuss the issue of investigat­ion against top brass leaders.

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