People's Review Weekly

MCC with Pradeep Gyawali


Reading CESIF's report "Nepal and MCC - A Contextual Political Analysis", one person comes to mind, Pradeep Gyawali.

In early 2020, the then NCP Central Committee decided to set up a threemembe­r task force to review the provisions in the MCC. The threemembe­r team consists of Jhalanath Khanal, Bhim Bahadur Rawal and Pradeep Gyawali. The NCP task force report gave a largely negative assessment of the MCC, saying that the provisions in the MCC were perceived as seriously infringing on Nepal's national interests.

In the same year, CESIF's report "Nepal and MCC - A Contextual Political Analysis" was published. The report, which runs to 29 pages, is dominated by Pradeep Gyawali's point-by-point criticism of the NCP task force report.

This is very interestin­g, as Gyawali was one of the three members of the NCP task force, and the report is an official party document. But Gyawali went out and used CESIF, a foreignfun­ded public opinion platform, to tear the NCP report to shreds. This is ridiculous! As a senior cadre of the party, Gyawali has not the slightest sense of party organizati­on or discipline, nor the slightest sense of respect for the reputation and decency of his Party. Will a man who doesn't love his own party love his country? Personally, I have serious doubts. In the near future, historical facts will prove whether the MCC has brought benefits or damages to the Nepalese nation and its people. If, as Gyawali says, the MCC is good for nothing, then Gyawali will be our national hero. Instead, what will Gyawali be? It goes without saying.

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