People's Review Weekly

UMl to continue House obstructio­n

- By Our Reporter

The CPN-UML has been obstructin­g the House of Representa­tives and the National Assembly since July 31 demanding the formation of a high-level investigat­ion committee to investigat­e the gold scam case.

The lawmakers of the UML have been chanting slogans and picketing the well every day when the meeting of the House begins, prompting the Speaker to postpone the session.

Although the President, the Prime Minister and even the Speaker took initiative­s to end the House impasse, the UML has not budged on its decision.

The party obstructed the House of Representa­tives on Sunday and Monday this week.

When the UML obstructed the meeting on Sunday, Speaker Dev

Raj Ghimire put off the House before it entered the business.

After the MPs chanted slogans and picketed the well, the Speaker postponed the meeting. Although the Speaker urged the House members to cooperate for a smooth session saying that there were urgent issues to discuss in the House. Lawmakers of the UML refused and continued shouting slogans. Speaker Ghimire adjourned the House of Representa­tives till next Sunday, August 20.

The UML got irked further when the Parliament­ary Party meeting of the ruling Nepali Congress on Monday ruled out the possibilit­y of forming a high-level committee to investigat­e the gold scam case. The NC decided that the state agencies should be allowed to conclude the investigat­ion. Considerin­g the adamancy shown by the UML, Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahala 'Prachanda' during a meeting with editors said that the UML was not worried about the continuity of the House. Maybe to scare the UML chair KP Sharma Oli, Prime Minister Dahal also revealed his plan to investigat­e the case related to Giri Bandhu Tea Estate of Jhapa. During his premiershi­p, Oli had decided to exchange the 500 bighas of the land of the estate located in Birtamod with new land.

When UML continues obstructin­g the House, several key bills have been stranded in the parliament. Not only that the House has not been able to discuss issues of flood and lumpy skin because of obstructio­n.

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