People's Review Weekly

Results of class 12 improves slightly

- By Our Reporter

The results of grade 12 exams have seen a slight improvemen­t this year. According to the results made public on Tuesday by the National Examinatio­n Board, slightly over half of the 372,637 students who appeared in the 12thgrade exams held from May 9 to May 19 this year have passed.

Releasing the results, the NEB informed that 50.91 per cent of the students received their grades. The remaining 49.09 per cent were non-graded. Meanwhile, the exams of 51 students were cancelled.

This is a small improvemen­t from last year when 51.90 per cent of students were not able to receive their grades. This year, 6,976 students, 1.87 per cent of the total examinees, received a grade points average (GPA) between 3.61 and 4.0. Similarly, 38,999 students, 10.47 per cent, received GPAs between 3.21 and 3.60. 69,174 students, 18.56 per cent, received GPAs between 2.81 to 3.20, 63,077 students, 16.93 per cent, received GPAs between 2.41 to 2.80, 11,438 students, 3.07 per cent, received GPAs from 2.01 to 2.40 and 47 students, 0.01 per cent, obtained GPAs between 1.61 to 2.0.

The results of the

Secondary Education Examinatio­n (SEE) the NEB published last month also saw a marked improvemen­t from last year. However, the sad part is that most of those who passed the examinatio­ns with good grades will reach either Australia or America in a few months in the name of obtaining higher education, and none of them returns home once they reach there. Thus, the investment made in education becomes a waste. Because of the wrong policy of the government and thriving corruption and nepotism, the learned youth do not want to stay and work at home.

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