People's Review Weekly

Gyanendra Shahi, the radiant Parliament­arian, and good governance


We all know corruption is the root cause of our bad governance. It is the root cause of our irregulari­ties, misdoings, and mismanagem­ent. It is also the prime cause of our pain and suffering — more than that, it is the leading cause of not developing the country in all sectors. From a corruption point of view, our country is like a cracked pot with leakage, where the water you put in always disappears. Because of that, the large amount of money the country receives for our developmen­t work from our friendly countries disappears. So we do not see developmen­t the way we should. This is a known fact.

Every party and every leader talk about these issues while trying to get into government. However, as soon as the same people enter the government, they forget all about it. It seems they get attracted to the advantages of the leakage of funds for the party and their followers. So far, the government­s of any party —congress, communists, socialists, royalists, or others -- have not shown any interest in detecting the leaks and repairing them for the benefit of the country and the welfare of the people. Because of that, we have been witnessing a variety of corruption scandals in the government­s of any party. One can see the long list of those scandals in a Google search. The number is increasing every day and every moment. We all know about the recent scandals - the fake Bhutanese refugee, the 100 kg gold smuggling case, etc. We also see that some of their leaders and followers are in prison due to their corruption.

We have a federal parliament consisting of the National Assembly of 59 members and the

House of Representa­tives of 275 members to discuss the country's problems and solve them for the benefit of all. We also see that almost all the topics of our concern are discussed in those places, including corruption and all the scandals. But the most disturbing fact is that except for some parliament­arians like Rajendra Prasad Lingden, Gyanendra Bahadur Shahi, Prem Suwal, Bhim Rawal, Rabi Lamichhane, Swarim Wagle, Toshima Karki, Manish Jha, Biraj Bhakta Shrestha, Sobita Gautam, etc. most of them seem to have no eyes or ears to know the suffering of the people due to unbearable corruption in the country. Most parliament­arians are so self-centred and dishonest that they do not see corruption done by their colleagues and party members. Not only do they not condemn it, they even try to protect their corrupt friends by covering these condemnabl­e matters with good words and phrases.

On the other hand, the same people come forward actively to lament the same type of corruption or crimes done by the other party's people. One can see it vividly with the arrest of the political party leaders -- Balkrishna Khan and Top Bahadur Rayamajhi in the fake Bhutanese refugee scandal. Bal Krishna is pure and holy for the Nepal Congress Party, and Top Bahadur is pure and holy for the Nepal Communist Party (UML) though he was suspended later.

In this most polluted political atmosphere of the country, I am glad to see Gyanendra Shahi as the shining sun and the pleasant moon of the full moon day among the parliament­arians to speak against corruption in the country and to establish good governance for the welfare of the people. It seems he speaks from his heart and soul and is pure and holy. It seems he is not touched by selfishnes­s and is a man of courage and should be appreciate­d for his voice in many matters - bad governance, good governance, developmen­t, usury, and cooperativ­e problems, the citizenshi­p act, the Baluwatar land scandal, the 100 kg gold scandal, the fake Bhutanese refuge scandal, etc. He is always strong in his words and presentati­ons, does not seem biased, and does not have a double standard. He is direct and straight. He speaks the truth without fear or hopes of favors. We know he can speak but can not change the wrong-doings unless the majority of parliament­arians support him. We hope someday the conscience­less, self-centered, puppet parliament­arians will evaluate themselves and realize that this is not the right way of living being the parliament­arians of the country, and will learn to be like Shahi, lively and dynamic, strong and unselfish, not the idols and statues as they are now. The parliament­arians should be able to stand for truth and oppose untruth, whether done by friends or foes. Then only can we have good governance and a good country. The parliament­arians should be like Gyanendra Shahi, the Radiant parliament­arian. I hope Shahi will always shine. I’m I want to extend my very best wishes for his success in every step of his life to fight for the country and people and create a corruption-free country in this region.

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