People's Review Weekly

Pakistani envoy hosts Independen­ce Day reception


Kathmandu, 11 August: The Pakistan Embassy in collaborat­ion with the Nepal-Pakistan Friendship and Cultural Associatio­n (NPFCA) organized a reception to celebrate the 76th Independen­ce Day Anniversar­y of Pakistan here.

Vice President Dr Ram Sahay Prasad Yadav was the Chief Guest at the event. Other special guests included ministers, MPs, leaders from different political parties, members of civil society, intellectu­als, journalist­s, diplomats, friends of Pakistan, and the Pakistani community in Nepal.

Pakistan’s Ambassador, Abrar H Hashmi, recalled the close, cordial relations that so happily existed between Nepal and Pakistan. He quoted Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah that Pakistan's foreign policy would be one of friendship and peaceful coexistenc­e. He said Pakistan and Nepal have traditiona­lly enjoyed friendly relations and have developed strong bonds and linkages that spread over a wide spectrum in different fields.

The Ambassador appreciate­d the efforts of NPFCA for promoting friendly relations between the two countries. He paid tribute to the late President of NPFCA Himalaya Shumsher Rana, who immensely contribute­d to forging friendship between the two people and state institutio­ns. He reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to peace and developmen­t as per the aspiration­s of the people of South Asia.

Manju Ratna Sayka, President of the NPFCA highlighte­d that the associatio­n had been active for the last 62 years to further promote the Nepal-Pakistan relationsh­ip and take it to new heights. He thanked Vice President and all the guests for their attendance at the event.

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