People's Review Weekly

Supreme Court order for regulating Nepal-India internatio­nal border


Kathmandu, 15 September: The Supreme Court has given a fourpoint order to regulate the Nepal-India open border.

Giving verdict on the writ petition registered by senior advocate Dr Chandrakan­t Gyawali, border expert Buddhinara­yan Shrestha, advocates Bimal Gyawali, Liladhar Upadhaya, Shashikuma­r Karki in 2073 BS, the Supreme Court has stated that the Nepal government’s responsibi­lity is to safeguard the nation’s independen­ce, sovereignt­y, geographic­al indivisibi­lity, national unity, freedom, and pride, the government has to initiate efforts for internatio­nal open border management and monitoring.

To end the misuse of the internatio­nal border, to protect the life and property of Nepali citizens, and to stop border encroachme­nt, the government should manage a record-keeping system at the border immigratio­n office and introduce the provision of producing identity cards for cross-border travelers.

On 12 Baisakh 2078, the bench of the SC judges Prakashman Singh Raut and Purusottam Bhandari, had given the verdict on the petition. The full text of the verdict has just been released by the Court.

The court has also stated that if needed new agreement or treaty for regulating and managing the opened internatio­nal border, the government should take the initiative. The Court has also asked the government to installati­on of the CC camera and introduce drone technology as well. The Court has also asked the government to provide language training to those deployed in the Nepal-India border points.

The Court has also asked the government to reestablis­h the border demarcatio­n pillars on the areas where the pillars are missing, evacuating the no-man’s land area and resolving the issue of border dispute as soon as possible.

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