People's Review Weekly

CPC delegation from Yunnan in town

- By Our Reporter

Along with the rise of President Xi Jinping in China, it has adopted a policy of giving high priority to the neighbouri­ng countries and the frequency of the visit of high-ranking Chinese leaders visiting Nepal has also been increased.

In the process of strengthen­ing bilateral relations, a nine-member Chinese delegation from Yunan Province led by Zeng Yan, a member of the Yunnan Provincial Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and also the head of the Publicity Department, arrived in Kathmandu on Monday morning.

Immediatel­y after landing in Kathmandu, the Chinese team called on Vice President Ramsahay Yadav.

During the meeting, VP Yadav recalled his recent visit to Kunming and appreciate­d the honour given by China to his visit.

VP Yadav said that China has remained a developmen­t partner of Nepal for decades. He said, “I am highly delighted by the honour from the Yunan government during my visit to Kunming in August this year”.

VP Yadav represente­d Nepal at the 7th China South Asia Expo and 27th Kunming Import Export Fair.

VP Yadav also extended thanks for successful­ly conducting the events. Yan expressed her pleasure from the meeting with VP Yadav.

The Chinese team, after the meeting, visited the Thamel business hub. On Tuesday, the Chinese delegation is visited Bhaktapur Durbar Square and met government spokespers­on and Minister for Communicat­ion and Informatio­n Technology

Rekha Sharma.

During the meeting, Minister Sharma expressed the belief that important decisions in the fields of education, health, infrastruc­ture, and connectivi­ty would be taken during the upcoming visit of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to China. "Nepal-China relations, which started from Bhrikuti and Araniko, are developing into good neighbours and trusted allies”, she said.

Stating that Nepal-China relations are expanding both at the state level and people-to-people level, she said the relations would be further strengthen­ed by high-level visits from time to time.

Stating that the relations between the two countries have reached a new height after Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Nepal, Minister Sharma expressed the belief that the exchange of mutual cooperatio­n would be further enhanced after the Prime Minister's visit to China.

The Chinese team led by Yan is scheduled to return home via Singapore after visiting Nepal Television on Thursday morning. Yunnan has a cultural diversity like in Nepal and the Province is the home for many ethnic communitie­s. Its capital city Kunming is considered an economic hub for China in linking South Asian countries. The provincial government has been giving special importance to Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Nepal. It is believed that the visit of the party leaders from Yunnan to Nepal is aimed at strengthen­ing bilateral relations between the two countries.

The Yunnan government is taking initiative­s in the promotion of tourism and resuming direct air services between Kunming and Kathmandu, which have been discontinu­ed since the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Nepal government has given special importance to the hospitalit­y and safety of Chinese guests visiting Nepal.

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