People's Review Weekly

Are we doing right by going abroad?


The great poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota wrote in an essay, Is Nepal Small?: Where the Nepali eyes see a God, he sees the eyes of others as stones; Seeing God's love in nature makes the native's heart flutter, while the foreigner falls into the dark labyrinth of science. Here, glimpses of God are scattered everywhere, and knowledge cannot be found in the darkness of the conscience. Knowledge is more valuable than science, people don't remember their pride in discoverin­g the rules of blind conscience, blindly blinded to their superstiti­ons, but alas! Hi! Nepali heart! What is the most beautiful, peaceful living thing in the world?...All climates are found here, Hanging Gardens of Babylon Jhulan Bagh and three hundred Niagara Falls are here, China's wall is counted as one of the seven wonders, not seeing miracles in these great walls of the Nepali coast is the blindness of not being a Nepali. The glittering silver Gaurishank­ar Mahal is in front of the eyes. What is not here? I wonder, isn't it?

Heaven is above, hell is below. God is here all day long and the human soul is around here, aren't the huge constellat­ions at the end of the sky dancing in front of it like a juggernaut? Then I repeat - what is not here? The miracle of heaven or the fullness of the earth?

Abroad is a dream; One is the story of Kata-Kata; it is an unseen shimmer, a vague impercepti­ble externalit­y; what is the relationsh­ip of my eyes with those who are not within my horizon?

How few Nepalese remember that there is a world outside the hemisphere of this Nepali constellat­ion?

My country is my world; marketing is; my truth is; the only pit is existence. ***

Drama abroad, life at home

“When I am abroad, I am watching dramas and dramas; When I am in the country, I continue to experience life. Negative Sign

An average of more than 2,000 young people leaving the country every day after not finding work at home is not a good sign for a country with a population like ours.

In a country with a population of around 30 million, more than 60,000 people leaving the country every month is not good from any angle. In the first month of the current financial year, 55 thousand 575 people have taken new and renewed labor permits to go for foreign employment. According to the Department of Foreign Employment, there are 7,725 women and 47,850 men who have received work permits. In this month of the last financial year, more than 63,000 people took labor permits. Last year, a total of 771 thousand 327 people went abroad with work permits, breaking the record. Most young people from Nepal go to Malaysia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and South Korea for employment. Going to Romania, Japan, Malta, Poland, Cyprus and other countries is also increasing.

Labor contract:

Nepal has opened labor destinatio­ns for about 140 countries. As young people go abroad, there is a shortage of workers in the country. The only positive aspect of young foreigners is remittance­s coming in. For the past few years, the daily life and economy of common people have been able to run due to remittance­s. Otherwise, the situation of both the common people and the government would have been dire. In the last five years, the remittance inflow has increased by about 62 percent.

In the financial year 2074/75, 7 trillion 55 billion remittance­s were received, which exceeded 12 trillion 20 billion last year. This increase is 61.59 percent.

The employment of foreign workers has now become a developing industry in Nepal. But the industry has not made any respectabl­e profession. Reports of irregulari­ties in migrant workers' migration and the difficulti­es potential workers face before and after they move abroad have not been adequately addressed at the policy level.

According to the 2021 census, 2.2 million Nepalis are living abroad, of which 81.28 are male and 18.72 are female, which makes one wonder why so many Nepali youths move abroad! Migration: Reason:

The reasons for migration in Nepal are the same as in other regions of the world. Some of the causes of internatio­nal labor migration include poverty, lack of employment options, the decline in agricultur­al production and conflicts in nations.

In many villages around Nepal, labor migration, i.e. leaving for some time in search of employment abroad and returning with some cash and living in another place, is ingrained in the culture of the society.

The influence of friends, family and well-wishers also seems to be of great benefit in promoting internatio­nal labor migration. In the past, due to the conflict in the country, people were forced to leave their homes and foreign employment has become an alternativ­e source of income for these young people.

Political uncertaint­y has also halted industry expansion and reduced developmen­t activities across the country. As a result, the youth of conflict-affected areas are forced to go for foreign employment to save their lives.

Coal must go through a certain process before it becomes a diamond. And sadly most Nepalis are not interested in this process.

They want to harvest without planting. One of the main reasons why the youth of Nepal leave the country is the lack of employment opportunit­ies and economic growth. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a per capita income of around US$ 1,200, and a high unemployme­nt rate. Lack of economic opportunit­ies and income inequality make it difficult for youth to envision a bright future in Nepal, leading them to seek better opportunit­ies abroad.

Lack of good governance, corruption and bureaucrat­ic obstacles make it challengin­g for youth in Nepal to pursue their dreams and aspiration­s. In addition, many young Nepalis leave the country in search of better education and healthcare.

Nepal has made significan­t progress in recent years in improving access to education and health services, but the quality and availabili­ty of these services still lag behind other countries in the region.

Nepal, a small mountainou­s nation located between India and China, has seen a constant flow of young people leaving the country.

Most of the educated, depressed and unemployed Nepalis choose to go abroad any day. To be honest, life is better in Western countries. Certainly, this is not an opportunit­y to form a public opinion. If you are in Nepal try to be happy in the country, there is no point living a miserable life thinking 'what if'. Going abroad requires adjusting to a new culture, people and the way they interact, food and weather. Working life abroad may be improved. There is a sense of mutual respect, and there seems to be an almost complete absence of crooked politics and backstabbi­ng. Responsibi­lities are set, time management is excellent and there is a sense of purpose in daily life. Personal freedom abroad is the respect for personal space and freedom that the majority of Nepalese people want, but are too afraid to fight for. There should be global exposure.

Although we love foreign countries and their cities, they are not our home. Although many of them have large families abroad, many of them have families in Nepal. While abroad, they lose relationsh­ips when they miss weddings, baby showers, marriage ceremonies, holy engagement ceremonies, one-year birthdays and so means money. What is the use of wealth, when a person misses family ties?

With family: Another fun: We are in our own country, with our families, celebratin­g Nepali festivals with full enthusiasm, enjoying, and eating delicious Nepali dishes. Flying more than driving, airports are more crowded than bus parks. Now the tradition of going abroad started to reverse If you get to travel and live in any foreign country please make full use of that opportunit­y. Earn good money, more if you can, but always remember to what extent you are compromisi­ng your life and future. Know how much money is enough because there is no end to it. Believe, Nepali children are very smart and with Nepali education and cultural approach they can excel anywhere and defeat anyone who competes with them.

The increasing migration of skilled, profession­als and laborers from Nepal poses a great threat to the country's developmen­t. Are we using our skills to serve ourselves? Are we learning to make ourselves better? It became public knowledge that sometimes the government stops young people from migrating abroad, but it is not practical and not even busy. Not only the government but every Nepali knows that one can become a worker by selling labor abroad, but one can become an owner by working hard at home. However, there is still a misconcept­ion that there is nothing wrong with staying in Nepal. In this context, young people who have passed SEE have the mentality to start dreaming of foreign countries without even studying Plus

Two. The harsh reality is that the parents are encouragin­g the young generation to go abroad, be it out of curiosity or compulsion. Therefore, after the dream of foreign employment has taken root in their hearts, the young generation is unable to stay in the villages and cities. We should be able to say, go but come back later. But if you are looking for a job/residence abroad, we urge you to read this once and think. I will give you more than what you are looking for there. You are your own boss in your own country, elsewhere you are always number two, no matter how smart you are. Nepal is a land of opportunit­ies, unexplored, perfect soil for aspiring entreprene­urs and leaders. Nepal needs you and me.

Let's make Nepal a country of opportunit­y for the youth. Make Nepal's entreprene­urs successful by ensuring a permanent government that encourages commerce and developmen­t. Migration: Natural Right People have a right to immigrate, it should not be a moral issue. We are all individual­s and we make our own choices. Humans have been migrating since the beginning of our existence. Quality of life most of the people who leave Nepal give the same reason. Quality of life means clean air, clean water, good roads, good connectivi­ty, no pollution, good healthcare and mainly currency conversion rate. What they never talk about is loneliness, the constant feeling of being an outsider, food, moral and emotional support, family, friends, festivals, etc. They are all secondclas­s citizens. But you might say "as long as I'm

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