People's Review Weekly

Italy, the most interestin­g country to visit and learn tourism

- BY NARAYAN PRASAD MISHRA The writer can be reached at narayansha­ The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessaril­y reflect People’s Review’s editorial stance.

Most of us know from reading, watching television, or visiting countries that there are more than 195 countries worldwide. Some are very old, like -- Greece, Ethiopia, Portugal, Italy, Egypt, San Marino, India, China, Japan, Nepal, etc. They have thousands of ancient civilizati­ons and histories. Their archaeolog­ical sites, old palaces, religious places, and residentia­l houses tell us their history. The history of 500 or 600 years is not too old for them, as they have more than 2000-year-old palaces, Christian churches, Muslim mosques, Hindu temples, and Buddhist stupas and monasterie­s in their countries. Some countries are less than 300 years old, like the USA. There are many countries less than 100 years old.

When we live like the frog of a deep well, seeing only the well where we live and limiting our thoughts to it by not trying to know by reading, hearing, or seeing on the audiovisua­l program, we say there cannot be a significan­t well or a place of water than this one in the world. In this context, I remember a parable story of two frogs -- one from the vast ocean and another from the small well. According to it, a frog from an ocean visited a frog at a well and briefed him about the ocean's size, depth, and unlimited water. After listening to him, the frog of the well could not imagine how there could be anything bigger than the well and would not believe him and questioned how there could be a more significan­t place of water in this world than his well. People think and form opinions according to their experience, knowledge, and understand­ing. Concerning it, I remember some of our foolish political analysts seen on YouTube who presented our superiorit­y in different fields compared to India, China, and the United States of America being the frog of a tiny well. In the same context, I also remember many more other tiny frogs of deep well, including the one who tried to create a new Ramayan, the Hindu religious epic, by discoverin­g a new Ayodhya, the state of Ram, at Thori, Parsa instead of Ayodhya, in India.

I was born in Bhaktapur Durbar Square, the beautiful archaeolog­ical area of the Malla period (1201-1779), where tourists from all over the world come and enjoy. I have heard about its 600 years of history and historical heritage since childhood. From that point, I got the impression that other countries would hardly have such an old history with such glorious architectu­re and arts in the world. Though I read some other countries' history, I could not give due thought to understand­ing other old countries' unbelievab­le history and historical places. I know there are many people like me in any country.

While I was in the USA this time, my daughter Dr. Pragya Mishra made a program to visit Italy, the country of an old civilizati­on, ancient history, and developmen­t in arts, architectu­re, science, engineerin­g, technology, etc. I went to Italy for two weeks with my daughter and family on July 1, 2023, and travelled to Rome, Florence, Venice, etc., starting from Rome. I was dumbfounde­d when I saw the vast, unimaginab­le, ancient, beautiful structures of 2000 years of history of solid and robust enough water supply lines, gardens, and fountains. The history of 1000 years is not so old to them. They built such strong structures of buildings of stone, marble, and bricks that could stand thousands of years. The heart-touching beauty of the architectu­ral design of the palaces and churches, the creation and decoration of beautiful, lively marble sculptures, and the unimaginab­le, unthinkabl­e multicolor­ed paintings are indescriba­ble in words and sentences. Even now, the many centuries-old buildings are in good shape. It tells us that the materials used in the buildings, the architectu­ral design, and engineerin­g must have been of high quality and standard, better than what we see in our parts of the world. They had that knowledge even back then. I saluted the creators -- artists, architects, engineers, workers, builders, and rulers who ruled this country. I think the land is unique and rich in land and sea, mountains and gorges, plants and trees, minerals and all necessary materials, marble, and stones. More than that, God gave them the geniuses who could create unforgetta­ble creations of heavenly beauty and luxury, the model of showpieces of not only the hundreds but thousands and thousands of years old throughout the country, rich in everything - arts, architectu­re, sciences, and technology.

The country has everything -- ancient cities, modern cities, ocean cities, high mountains, mindblowin­g beautiful oceans., etc. It has a unique heritage and modern developmen­t necessary for comfort and luxury in all fields -- transporta­tion, agricultur­e, health, science, engineerin­g, technology, arts, architectu­re, etc. The uncounted beautiful tunnel roads for cars, buses, and trains are worth seeing. Traveling by boat and cruising in the ocean is super enjoyable. Nothing seems to be lacking in this beautiful country.

The Colosseum, Amphitheat­er of Rome

When I saw the works of great masters -- the Bramante Staircase, the magnificen­t frescoed ceiling in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican Museum, and the sorrowful Pieta inside St. Peter's Basilica, the Trevi Fountain along with unlimited beautiful antique buildings with beautiful marble sculptures and the city as a whole in Rome, I could not believe the people of that caliber of creation could have existed on earth so long ago. I saw the remains of the Colosseum, an amphitheat­re in the

center of the city of Rome, the largest ancient amphitheat­re ever built, and is still the largest ancient amphitheat­re in the world, completed in 80AD. It is said that it could hold 80000 spectators at a time. It is one of Rome's most popular tourist attraction­s. I lack the vocabulary to describe its magnificen­t structure built with travertine limestone, tuff (volcanic rock), and brick-faced concrete. I saw the Pantheon, the ancient building with the largest unsupporte­d concrete dome in the world, is still being used after 2000 years in Rome. There is an oculus at the top of the dome. The sun beams through the oculus, and the rain comes down like a waterfall into the interior when it storms. It is said that it is a mastery of geometry and constructi­on. Since the 7th century, it has been a Roman Catholic church.

Piazza del Duomo in Florence

After visiting 1. Lucca, a remarkably wellpreser­ved historical city in the Tuscany region where the Piazza dell'Anfiteatro which has its origins in the second half of the 1st century A.D., and the Guingi Tower, a 45-meter-tall (150 ft) tower that dates from the 1300s. 2. The Cinque Terre UNESCO World Heritage Site villages, where a sea of pastel pink, yellow, and blue houses cling dramatical­ly to the Ligurian cliffs. 3. Pisa, another city in Tuscany, and its UNESCO-listed 'Square of Miracles' to view the architectu­ral feat of the Leaning Tower. 3, San Gimignano, the hilltop town famed for its stunning medieval architectu­re and historic towers; 4. Florence, the capital city of the Tuscany region, the city famous and widely regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. and its artistic, historical, and cultural heritage. and seeing and viewing the magnificen­t marble Duomo and a replica of the David statue in

Piazza della Signoria, we walked the narrow but beautifull­y kept lanes in this city.

After this trip, we went to Venice, the floating city and enchanting water city. I know from my reading that William Shakespear­e's inspiring place was Venice. This great literary man of the world described the unique environmen­t, streets, places and canals, and landscape for two of his greatest masterpiec­es, Othello and The Merchant of Venice. His other play, Romeo and Juliet, made Venice famous as one of the world's most romantic destinatio­ns. We walked through alleys over ornate bridges and explored the city, seeing St. Mark's Basilica, the ornate Doge's Palace, and the Bridge of Sighs. In addition to it, we went to Murano and Burano, the other islands, by private boat, the beautiful tourist spots. I also found the seashore of Venice the most beautiful place on earth, pleasant and beautiful, calm and peaceful, and the city full of heritage and luxury. When we went and returned to Rome from our trip by traveling by bus, boat, and train, we visited the mystical town of Assisi, the city of Bologna, the Basilica of St. Francis, renowned for its beautiful frescoes depicting the life of this beloved saint, and Tivoli, the UNESCOlist­ed terraced hillside Renaissanc­e gardens of Villa d'Este with wonderful bubbling fountains, manicured hedges and ornate statues.

However, even if I live in the USA or travel to a beautiful city like Venice, when I open my eyes after my sound sleep, my mind immediatel­y flies to Nepal, my country. In the same way, when I see something useful somewhere for my people and country, my mind immediatel­y starts thinking about it. Rome, the historical city of Italy, the capital of this country, lies on the River Tevere and in the same way the other famous city Florence, the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany, lies on the River Arno as our cities Kathmandu and Patan lie on the Bagamati River and Bhaktapur lies on the Hanumante River. As these two cities in Italy -- Rome and Florence have heritage and old parts of cities very close to the rivers, our cities have the same. I thought if our Bagamati and Hunumante rivers could be clean with enough water and could be kept in good shape like their River Tevere and Arno and our Kathmandu, Patan or Bhaktapur cities could be clean with all needs for tourism - hotels, restaurant­s, toilets, resting places, gardens, shops, paths, trained guides, comfortabl­e vehicles, parking places, etc. we would undoubtedl­y get an unimaginab­le flow of tourists as they have thousands of tourists in their country at a time as we see a large number of people in our festivals. We can do the same thing in other cities in our country to meet the tourist needs.

In the same way, I was in Lucca, another city in Italy. I found the city similar to our Kirtipur city, situated on the top of the hill with narrow paths and houses. But they kept the walking paths and buildings as before in their original form by following strict UNESCO heritage guidelines with all the needs of tourist attraction­s. The whole city seems to be the center of attraction for tourists.

In Nepal, we have ten UNESCO heritage sites -- 1. Pashupatin­ath Temple 2. Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha 3. Boudhanath Stupa, Kathmandu,

4. Swayambhun­ath Temple, Kathmandu,

5. Kathmandu Durbar Square, 6. Patan Durbar Swuare, 7. Bhaktapur Durbar Square, 8. Changunara­yan Temple, Kathmandu, 9. Chitawan National Park, 10. Sagarmatha National Park. We have many monuments rich in wood and stone carvings. We have many old cities and villages like Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Patan, Kirtipur, Khokhana, Bungamati, Thimi, Thecho, etc. They all are tourist attraction­s. We can learn much from Italy, the land of great scientists, artists, architects, and Nobel laureates -- Galileo Galilei, Lionardo da Vinci, and Michelange­lo to promote tourism in all these places.

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 ?? ?? The Colosseum, Amphitheat­er of Rome
The Colosseum, Amphitheat­er of Rome
 ?? ?? Piazza del Duomo in Florence
Piazza del Duomo in Florence
 ?? ?? A picture of Venic
A picture of Venic

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