People's Review Weekly

Japan Embassy furious about stone pelting on JICA Nepal chief’s vehicle, his injury


Kathmandu, 15 September: The Japan Embassy in Kathmandu has issued a statement condemning stone pelting on the vehicle of the JICA Nepal chief injuring him in the incident. On 13 September, the Chief Representa­tive of the JICA Nepal Office was injured when stones were pelted at him by a group of demonstrat­ors as he passed by them in his car in Kathmandu. His car is also damaged.

The Embassy has stated, “The right of peaceful demonstrat­ions is considered to be a part of the freedom of expression that is the fundamenta­l of democracy. However, when it becomes an act of violence, it is nothing more than a criminal offence”. “As many of the people of Nepal know, Japan has assisted Nepal's democratic progress and developmen­t as its sincere friend. And it is JICA that has played a key role to that end. It is extremely regrettabl­e that its representa­tive was injured in this incident”, the Embassy has condemned the act. “The Government of Nepal has been promoting foreign tourism and foreign direct investment (FDI). However, the fact that an incident like this took place in the midst of such efforts goes against it”.

“We have alerted Japanese nationals residing in Nepal to avoid similar incidents”, the Embassy informed.

“At the same time, we hope that Nepal will continue to be a peaceful and attractive country for foreigners”, it is stated.

It is learned that the students affiliated with the Nepal Student Union, a sister organizati­on of the Nepali Congress, had launched a torch rally demanding action against Shyam Sapkota, who had attacked NC leader Mahendra Yadav recently in Kathmandu.

Stones were thrown from inside the compound of Tri-Chandra Campus targeting vehicles rolling in the streets. Meanwhile, the vehicle belonging to JICA Nepal also received stones and the vehicle was damaged injuring the JICA Nepal chief.

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