People's Review Weekly

Media downplays dethroned King’s Bhaktapur visit

- By Pushpa Raj Pradhan

Dethroned King Gyanendra's visit to Bhaktapur and the presence of a human sea to greet the King were not only news but also great news as the core city area of Bhaktapur is under the strong control of the Nepal Majdoor Kishan Party led by Narayanman Bijukche. Without his gesture, nobody will move.

A human sea was seen to greet the King on Sunday. Specially the Newar community gathered there lauding “Come King, Save Nation”. This is an interestin­g event. The King visited the historical city Bhaktapur Durwar Square and performed a special pooja of the Hindu deities -- the Taleju Bhawani and the Bhairab.

So far, foreign-funded media, especially, those media supported by the Open Society of George Soros and some Western countries, blacked out the event.

Meanwhile, Rastriya Prajatantr­a Party’s senior vice chairman Rabindra Mishra has asked the readers and viewers to judge the media on how they project the reports.

On his status on the “X” account (Twitter), Mishra has remarked, “Which media covered the reports about King’s Bhaktapur visit on Sunday; which media blacked out the reports and which media presented the reports in which way, let you judge”.

Mishra remarked: “The King’s visit to Bhaktapur and huge gathering holds a significan­t political meaning. There was a huge presence of the Newar community (What if the Newar community from Kathmandu and Lalitpur also come down to the streets?); Bhaktapur is the “fort” of the Nepal Majdoor Kishan Party led by Narayanman Bijukche (what could be the indication?); and when media attempts to sabotage such a significan­t event, let you understand, they are more responsibl­e than the political workers in destroying this country. Finally, Mishra has suggested, “a grand welcome to the King in

Bhaktapur is the reality and major political parties should be prepared for accepting this reality earliest as possible.”

Be that as it may, it makes clear that the mainstream media, which are enjoying the foreign funds, are serving their foreign bosses by destroying Nepal. Let’s judge, which media twisted and blacked out the report.

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