People's Review Weekly

Quotes of the Week

- - Ratna Sansar Shrestha Excerpted and compiled by Sushma Shrestha

(Commenting on the crowd that appeared to greet King Gyanendra in Bhaktapur):

Now, for at least 1 month, the republican leaders who are currently in the middle of the day have an agenda to make a speech that the "republic" is in danger! What a weak republic in Nepal!

- Laxman Ghimire If we don't think about how to save the country and if Nepalis don't become united and strong, even God cannot save us. Death is obvious, but dying every moment and not experienci­ng it is a burden to the earth. Such people cannot be called human.

- Madan Regmi Is this offensiven­ess or a multi-sector downfall? Appointmen­t of the judge immediatel­y after he fails in the examinatio­n; pardon to the criminal by the government; sending Kalapani to the judge who gives verdict against the government’s wish; extending the tenure of a political Army by violating the law; foreign junket for 15 days by adjourning the House; communal conflict in Dharan, Malangawa, and Birgunj; the country, which is going abroad!

- Tika P. Dhakal The current constituti­on could be a 'great achievemen­t' for the rulers, but for the commoners, it has become a trap. Conscious Nepalis have always questioned its legitimacy - even though claimed for legal 'legitimacy', it has not got political 'legitimacy'.

- Dhrubahari Adhikari I also agree that the Constituti­on has become useless.

- JP Gupta This country cannot get relief without substituti­ng imports of petroleum products worth three trillion rupees. Consumptio­n of electricit­y in operating transporta­tion and cooking is essential for this.

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