People's Review Weekly

How fruitful were PM’s New York and China visits?

- By Our Reporter

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal is now in China. He reached Hangzhou, China, directly from New York, USA, on September 23 to attend the inaugurati­on ceremony of the Asian Games. He reached New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. After addressing the UNGA on September 22, he flew to China on an official visit.

Upon his arrival in China, the Prime Minister remained busy both in Hangzhou and Beijing. In Hangzhou, he attended the opening ceremony of the Asian Games and held a bilateral delegation­level meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

According to a statement from the PM's Secretaria­t, Prime Minister Dahal engaged in an open and clear dialogue with President Xi Jinping, addressing a range of bilateral matters of mutual interest. “During the meeting, both leaders agreed that cooperatio­n among all regional powers is essential to promoting regional stability, peace, and developmen­t,” the statement read. Similarly, both leaders have committed to enhancing mutual cooperatio­n by demonstrat­ing a deeper understand­ing of each other's interests and sensitivit­ies.

President Xi has also conveyed a message of China's readiness to wholeheart­edly cooperate and provide support for Nepal's economic and social developmen­t.

In Beijing, PM Dahal had a bilateral meeting with his Chinese counterpar­t, Li Qiang. Also, Nepal and China signed 13 agreements related to cooperatio­n in agricultur­e, trade, science and technology, and the translatio­n and publicatio­n of classics. The documents were signed and exchanged in the presence of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' and

his Chinese counterpar­t Li Qiang following their bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People.

Speaking at the bilateral meeting, Chinese Premier Li appreciate­d PM Prachanda for his contributi­on to elevating Nepal-China relations. Referring to PM Prachanda's meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Premier Li said that the meeting had been productive. Premier Li also made the point that high-level exchanges help deepen relations and recalled that the relationsh­ip between the two neighbours was elevated to a strategic partnershi­p of cooperatio­n.

On his part, PM Dahal thanked Premier Li for the invitation and the hospitalit­y, while also congratula­ting him for achieving the first centennial goal and wishing him a grand success for achieving the second centennial goal of China.

PM Dahal was offered a Guard of Honour in front of the Great Hall of the People before his bilateral meeting with his Chinese counterpar­t Li. PM Prachanda also had a bilateral meeting with Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee

of the National People's Congress (NPC), at the Great Hall of the People. The next day of the bilateral meeting, a joint statement was issued in Beijing highlighti­ng the key issues agreed upon during the meeting. The issuance of the joint statement by Nepal and China was itself proof that the PM visit to China was successful and fruitful for both countries. Nepal and China have agreed to strengthen connectivi­ty in such areas as ports, roads, railways, airways and grids in an orderly manner, jointly build the Trans-Himalayan Multi-Dimensiona­l Connectivi­ty Network, work together to ensure the safety of the cooperatio­n projects and company personnel of the two countries and contribute to Nepal's realisatio­n of its developmen­t agenda including graduating from the least developed country status at an early date, read the Joint Statement issued in Beijing on Tuesday. "The two sides will further promote cooperatio­n in the field of energy, particular­ly the developmen­t of hydropower and crossborde­r transmissi­on

lines and associated substation­s. The two sides will continue working toward the finalizati­on of the China-Nepal Electric Power Cooperatio­n Plan by convening the second meeting of the Joint Implementa­tion Mechanism at the earliest," read the Joint Statement.

Earlier on Sunday, the Prime Minister addressed the NepalChina Business Summit jointly organised by the China Council for the Promotion of Internatio­nal Trade (CCPIT) and the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI) in Beijing.

Back in the USA, the Prime Minister addressed several meetings before addressing the UNGA. He met with the officials of the UN including Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. He also had a brief meeting with US President Joe Biden in New York. Considerin­g the leaders, he met in the USA including President Biden and China and the bilateral meetings held with Chinese President XI and Premier Li, the visit of the PM was successful this time. Moreover, the lengthy Joint Statement issued in Beijing on Tuesday also proved that.

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