People's Review Weekly

Symposium on Buddhist heritages in Pakistan held in Kathmandu


Kathmandu, 25 September: The Embassy of Pakistan organized a symposium on Sunday, 24 September, titled “Gandhara: Unwinding a History Treasure Trove” to showcase the rich Buddhist heritage of Pakistan and its historical linkages with Nepal. Dhananjay Regmi, CEO, Nepal Tourism Board graced the occasion as the chief guest. Other guests present at the event included intellectu­als, Buddhist monks and scholars, tour operators, and representa­tives of the Nepal Tourism Board. The event was held to highlight the historic treasures in the form of structures and relics of the ancient Gandhara civilizati­on that are beholden in the plains and valleys of Punjab and KPK provinces of Pakistan and encourage seekers of historical, cultural, and archaeolog­ical monuments and marvels to have a first-hand experience of witnessing these remarkable motifs. In his remarks, Regmi, while recalling his personal experience of visiting Pakistan, recollecte­d the depth and warmth of NepalPakis­tan friendly relations and appreciate­d the support and interest of Pakistan in the field of Buddhist heritage.

Other distinguis­hed speakers at the event shared their views about Pilgrimage to Buddhist Cradle – Taxila and Takht-e-Bahi, Gandhara’s Intellectu­al Contributi­on in Buddhism around the Globe, “Preserving History - Promoting Harmony” and “Visiting Gandhara: Viability and Workabilit­y”. They lauded the government of Pakistan’s efforts to preserve the rich history and activities to promote harmony among different beliefs. The viability and workabilit­y of Gandhara Tourism also remained center point in the discussion­s.

In his remarks, Ambassador of Pakistan Abrar H Hashmi joining the event virtually, recalled the historical Buddhist linkages between Nepal and Pakistan and highlighte­d that the aim of this particular event is to provide a multifold projection of the potential that Gandhara has for a visit and trip as a tourist, a student of history, a devout Buddhist or a cultural and archaeolog­ical enthusiast. He also assured that effort has been made through this event to generate not only interest but discussion as well for exploring practical options to develop a Buddhist Tourist route between Nepal and Pakistan.

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