People's Review Weekly

CM Karki expands cabinet without seeking vote of confidence

- By Our Reporter

Koshi Province Chief Minister Hikmat Karki has not yet proved his majority in the Provincial Assembly. But on Monday, expanded his cabinet by inducting two ministers and two state ministers. He also designated the ministers’ responsibi­lities.

With the expansion, the cabinet now has nine members, including the Chief Minister, five ministers and three state ministers.

Buddhi Kumar Rajbhandar­i has been appointed the Minister for Drinking Water Irrigation and Energy and Lila Ballav Adhikari has been appointed as Minister for Internal Affairs and Law. Similarly, Ram Prasad Mahato has been appointed as the State Minister for Industry, Agricultur­e and Cooperativ­es and Niran Rai as the State Minister for Economic Affairs and Planning.

Likewise, Til Kumar Menyangbo (Limbu), the former Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation, has assumed the role of Minister of Health.

Karki was appointed as the Chief Minister of Koshi Province for the second time on September 8 after the Supreme Court dismissed the then Chief Minister Uddhav Thapa and ordered Karki, the leader of the CPN-UML parliament­ary party, to be appointed as the Chief Minister by Article 168 (3) of the Constituti­on.

Koshi province has been mired by political instabilit­y. Karki is the fourth CM appointed in nine months. He was appointed CM from UML but lost the position for failing to prove his majority. Later, Uddav Thapa of NC was appointed CM, but his appointmen­t was first annulled and later the Supreme Court invalidate­d his vote of confidence, paving the way for Karki to become the CM again. It is still uncertain whether Karki could show a majority.

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