People's Review Weekly



him just on the sidelines but did not have a bilateral meeting of sorts that PM Modi had with other guests attending the G20 Delhi meet.

Trudeau concluded the meeting with PM Modi with a blushed face, let’s guess. However, Trudeau had many more troubles in store.

He wished to leave the Indian soil as soon as he could, however, someone whispered to Trudeau that his aircraft had developed a snag and that the plane was not airworthy.

The repair of the aircraft took some good two days and the helpless Canadian PM had to spend those “humiliatin­g days” right in Delhi.

Upon arriving in Canada, the next day, PM Trudeau addressed the House of Commons and explained how the Indian diplomat working in the Indian embassy managed to gun down Hardeep Singh Nijjar on June 18, 2023.

Listening to this official address at the Canadian House of Commons by the PM himself, India and its Godi media came into action and started talking almost nonsense accusing

PM Trudeau of damaging India-Canada ties to the hilt.

In the meantime, Canada expelled perhaps the “diplomat” who, as the Canadian government believed, was engaged in the killing of Hardeep Singh Nijjar.

Nijjar was taken as a terrorist by India then Canada claimed that Nijjar was a bonafide Canadian national.

Canadian PM talking at the House of Commons said that….we have credible informatio­n...and it is an attack on Canadian sovereignt­y…and we shall not tolerate….we stand for justice…staff at the Indian embassy...we ask India to cooperate with us in getting to the truth….

Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly too reiterated the same as said by PM Trudeau as regards the Indian act of killing Nijjar, a Canadian national.

The grand polarizati­on begins:

With the Canada-India tussle going up and up, Western countries, mainly the English-speaking nations, have obliquely sided with Canada. Most of them have yet to urge India to cooperate with Canada so that the facts could be

made public. The UK under Rishi Sunak because of Indian connection may side with India.

Arrogant India and its Godi media remain undeterred. The US stance on CanadaIndi­a wrangle:

The Guardian, September 23, 2023, reports the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken has called on India to cooperate with Canada and ensure “accountabi­lity” over the killing of a Sikh separatist after Ottawa accused Delhi of involvemen­t.

Blinken added, “We want to see accountabi­lity. And the investigat­ion must run its course and lead to that result.”

“We would hope that our Indian friends would cooperate with that investigat­ion as well,” he remarked.

Perhaps Blinken represents the entire Western world as most of the nations, the allies of the US, have spoken the same language and urged India to “become accountabl­e”.

The word ‘accountabl­e’ means much for India as it hints at several things unspoken.

However, Russia appears siding with India. And China expects India to get exposed this time globally.

Five Eyes


It was finally the USA that almost closed the case or came to the rescue of Canada and pointed fingers at India for the killing of a Canadian national.

The US ambassador to Canada David Cohen confirmed that “shared Intelligen­ce among five eyes partners” had informed Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau of the possible involvemen­t of Indian agents in the murder of a Canadian citizen in June, the CTV news reported.

The Canadian government amassed intelligen­ce from both human and electronic sources in a month-long investigat­ion into the murder, CBC news reported in the Express Tribune, September 23, 2023.

The Pakistani reaction: Who else better knows India than Pakistan, the immediate matching competing rival of India? Former FM of Pakistan, Bilawal Bhutto, says, “it was time for the internatio­nal community to accept that India had become a rogue Hindutva terrorist state”.

He added further saying, that they (India) have not only conducted terrorism in Kashmir, not only we in


Pakistan have caught their spies (Kul Bhusan Yadav?) involved in terrorism in our country, but they have now been caught violating the sovereignt­y of a NATO member State”.

Mushhid Hussain’s scathing criticism of India: “Can the government of Pakistan go beyond mere words of concern and condemnati­on on Indian state terrorism, exposed by Canada? Mushahid asked. He continues by saying, “India never misses an opportunit­y to malign Pakistan as EU disinfo lab campaign showed”. Pakistan government’s reaction to Canada-India issue:

Writing for Anadolu Agency (AA Turkey) Amir Latif Arain, September 23, says that “Pakistan recently said India's alleged assassinat­ion of a Sikh activist on Canadian soil is a "clear violation of internatio­nal law and the UN principle of state sovereignt­y."

The AA adds, “Islamabad called the incident, which has further strained ties between Canada and India, “a reckless and irresponsi­ble act that calls into question India's reliabilit­y as a credible internatio­nal partner and

its claims for enhanced global responsibi­lities”. The AA says the aforementi­oned comments were made by Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Mumtaz Zehra Baloch while talking to reporters in Islamabad. It shows “that India's network of extra-territoria­l killings has now gone global," she added. It appears that the QUAD is in trouble because of the Canada-India tussle. That’s all.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessaril­y reflect People’s Review’s editorial stance.

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